Who has a webcam...

Originally posted by godisanathiest
I live in Cambridge, but know London wellish :) Hehe, I'm just nosy cos it's quite along distance relationship - Uk - Australia! But cool! U gonna come back to this beloved (bollocks, I mean cold - it was -3 yesterday, stay there :p ) island?

Cool! Are you actually British or just living there? It's hard to tell on this BB, so many people from all over Europe. :)

Very long distance - we actually met on the Iron Maiden forum, that was August 2000. Mark flew over to be with me a few times (even to be with me on Valentines Day - now that's romantic!) and then I moved over here in May. Saying goodbye at Heathrow Airport was not fun. :( Everything's good now though! :grin:
:lol: Yeah, that would be cool! We could invite trannie as well cos he lives in London and all get smashed :grin: not that I would ever behave in such a decadent manner :err:

What about Mark and getting a visa to come over here - doesn't that provide a problem?
Tell me about it!! :eek: It is permanent, although we may decide to return here in years to come. It's sort of not decided yet. there are a few things that we would like to do career wise that sort of require us to be in England (my photography for instance - not too many gigs here ;)) so I think we'll be giving all that stuff a go and see how it works out. If it fails miserably and I can get my folks out here or to New Zealand then we'll be back quite soon. ;)
Originally posted by dreamwatch
Tell me about it!! :eek: It is permanent, although we may decide to return here in years to come. It's sort of not decided yet. there are a few things that we would like to do career wise that sort of require us to be in England (my photography for instance - not too many gigs here ;)) so I think we'll be giving all that stuff a go and see how it works out. If it fails miserably and I can get my folks out here or to New Zealand then we'll be back quite soon. ;)

Oooh, who would you be photographing for? And what will happen to the website while you move :err: Thats quite cool tho :grin: Whereabout do you think ur gonna move?
The website will be just peachy - we're going to move into my parents home back in London to begin with and I have a PC there which will be utilised for all things UM related while Marks one gets shipped over - it's a bit less fancy than Marks wonder PC but it will do the job with a couple of minor tweaks. ;) I'll have broadband installed before we get home (God bless my ma and pa :grin: ). We've been away from the site for a week or so before and it survived, it should be ok for a couple of days. ;) And we have very good people who help us out. :)

Photography - tricky bit this. Well, I have a degree in Documentary Photography but while I was studying I sort of got led down a different path to the one I was originally walking on. It left me feeling very unconfident about my abilities (this is something I've been studying for 10 years mind you!) and a bit wishy washy about what to do. For two years I had been working in a camera store to try and pay off some debts and pick up as much equipment as I could afford. And then I moved here. I really need to start doing some photography for myself again, and I felt the place I wanted to start was with music photography. I'm still a bit uncertain about this as far too many people fresh from college try and get into this field believeing that it will make them rich and allow them to hang out in celebrity circles - which is utter bullshit. But I love photography and have studied it to a very high level - the work I'm influnced by is not the hack work you see in Kerrang, I want to elevate the standards of music photography. I'm a documentarian, and I miss seeing photo essays about bands and the industry. It really doesn't happen anymore.

I'm a bit of an ideologist when it comes to all this, but I will give it a shot. If there is no market for my work, or I'm not good enough, then I'll continue to work on essays on other stories non-music related. Just need to pull my finger out there. ;)

Oooh that was a long one, sorry about that! :lol:
The time has come to start using quotes... :err: ;)

The website will be just peachy - we're going to move into my parents home back in London to begin with and I have a PC there which will be utilised for all things UM related while Marks one gets shipped over - it's a bit less fancy than Marks wonder PC but it will do the job with a couple of minor tweaks. I'll have broadband installed before we get home (God bless my ma and pa ). We've been away from the site for a week or so before and it survived, it should be ok for a couple of days. And we have very good people who help us out.

Yeah, I was just wondering about the hosting cos I don't quite know how it works :grin: Lucky! having roadband :mad: I'll have to rope you into d/l me and sending me MP3's (russell working on the premise that being cheeky will pay off :grin: )

Photography - tricky bit this. Well, I have a degree in Documentary Photography but while I was studying I sort of got led down a different path to the one I was originally walking on. It left me feeling very unconfident about my abilities

That sucks :cry: U should post some here so we can all see :) I'm sure that would help! :grin:

I felt the place I wanted to start was with music photography

Good plan! You thought about contacting magazines like terrorizer? I'm sure they need photographers! And you get to go to free gigs!

I'm still a bit uncertain about this as far too many people fresh from college try and get into this field believeing that it will make them rich and allow them to hang out in celebrity circles - which is utter bullshit

YOu have experience tho so it should be easier for you surely?

But I love photography and have studied it to a very high level - the work I'm influnced by is not the hack work you see in Kerrang, I want to elevate the standards of music photography. I'm a documentarian, and I miss seeing photo essays about bands and the industry. It really doesn't happen anymore

Ok, scrap the terrorizer bit, but u could do that for a while for money! You could start by doing ssuch a documentary of Opeth! That would be cool :grin:

I'm a bit of an ideologist when it comes to all this, but I will give it a shot. If there is no market for my work, or I'm not good enough, then I'll continue to work on essays on other stories non-music related. Just need to pull my finger out there

Well, even if you fail, at least you've tried :grin:
Hehehehe, well I'm sure we'll be able to sort you out with an MP3 here and there. ;)

I'd love to post some of my pics here, but unfortunately all my work is at home in London. I was supposed to be doing some work with a local band here but they never got back to me. I'll chase 'em up, but . . . When I get back though I'll be scanning my portfolio and getting it online. It's mostly portraits (the last piece I did was anonomous portraits of women that self-harmed) so no band syuff yet - I did one gig, which was BLAZE last year, I'll probably get those online too. :)

Getting my way in with the mags . . .hmmm . . . not sure how that would work. I've never approached a mag before. I think I would like to get some gigs done first without pay on my own time, just for the experience and to get that part of my portfolio done. Although the work I would really like to do is documentary based it wouldn't hurt to do some gigs and network a little. If there was anything I learned at Uni it was it's not what you know it's who you know. Which is why I ended up in a camera store. :(

Thankyou for your interest by the way. :grin: