Who has heard the Iron Maiden leak?

Metal head87

Jul 17, 2006
A Matter Of Life And Death leaked later last week. I've listened to it countless times already and I have to say. It is without a doubt in my mind, one of Iron Maiden's best albums!! Uh huh, that's right, I said it. It is every bit as good as Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son and Powerslave!

It sounds like a cross between Brave New World and Dance Of Death for those who are curious. Very epic, very proggy, very powerful and the layering of everything is just amazing. It has a very "live" feel to it as well.
Really? I don't know how anyone could possible not be a Maiden junky.
Afraid To Shoot Strangers is a great song though.
You can always be more than one junky. I'm a King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Death and Iron Maiden junky. I love so many bands, but I almost have to listen to these bands on a weekly basis.

I also have to add Scott Mosher and Light Of Day, Day of Darkness from Green Carnation to that list. I am addicted to that album and if I don't listen to them at least once a week, I go through withdrawl.
This album is boring. I won't trash it because I'm no huge Maiden fan and I downloaded it, but I found it to be boring. I still have to buy it because I'm a goddamn completist, though! Hahaha.

There are some really good songs, but all but two song start slow and are generally mid-paced for the whole song. Many are too long, as well.
I know that it is not exactly fast or anything, but the songwriting is amazing. The band is very sharp and tight, as good as they have ever been. I think the songs are the perfect length. They develop completely, they showcase each musician's talents and stays interesting. I don't think they drag on too long at all.
IMO brave new world was cool but the new one and dance of death are absolute rubbish...I don't really like this new maiden...don't have much to show for.the old stuff was great...
didnt like that album that much
brave new world was great i love it but dance of death is weak and the new one is not that good either. if maiden plays non catchy songs, it wont work for them.
Metalhead can consume human brains, but Metalhead cannot consume such injustice to Iron Maiden!
I don't mind that the songs are not catchy. I'm a big prog fan and prog is not always catchy. It just shows that Maiden does whatever they want. They don't pander to any current musical trend. Although I am pissed that they are taking Bullshit For My Vallentine on tour. I remember on their last US tour, well it was only a few shows in two cities, they had Arch Enemy. I wish they would take a band like that on tour again. Instead, we just get some shitty emocore band.
But still, I think Maiden are as good as ever. I've been listening to A Matter Of Life And Death nonstop since I got the leak.
Just because it says leak, don't anyone dare make any piss jokes.
I don't think this is about catchy-ness...
Maiden has changed and are essentially not a prog band...and well ehm...the recent style just doesn't work for them. allow me to give you an analogy
Metallica- Ride the lightning Vs. St. Anger...it's clear to everyone St. Anger is just shit coming from a "used to be" a great band.
I'm not comparing really Maiden to Metallica because there's nothing really to compare but I just compare the situation of a classic band not on top of their game anymore.
I love prog like the next guy...thanks to prog(and emo) I discovered Opeth and Orpahned Land which opened my mind to all kinds of metal but the fact that something is prog doesn't neccessarily make it good...for example Dream Theater's Octavarium.
metallica was the first metal band i listened to, and has still been my favourite until st. anger. in st.anger they sucked so hard that i can hardly listen to their former works now (lars's thrash-can drums echo in my brain like sounds made by sexually challenged hell guards when i hear the word metallica now)
and iron maiden is also one of my late favourites. all their early works, seventh son of a seventh son, number of the beast etc. all kick ass. i didn't like brave new world very much, though i listened to only a few songs. but they were still a metal band unlike metallica so i appreciated their style. i listened to dance of death's title song and no more lies recently and they both became my favourites which really surprised me. i said "wow, they are still as alive as before". about the new album, i didn't listen to it yet except a song whose video i've seen in a channel here. it was still metal at least, thank god. but i didn't like it, it was very boring and yeah, didn't have any "catchy" tunes like dance of death did.
i don't like progressive metal unless it has some nice melodies. i don't care about technique, i don't care about who plays his instrument how well. i don't like hearing long guitar solos unless they have catchy melodies. that's why i don't like opeth's late works or why i never liked dream theater at all except a few songs. if iron maiden is becoming one of those boring progressive bands that try to show their style without giving any good melodies, i don't think i would listen to them any more. but like i said i didn't listen to the album yet, maybe i should comment on it later but these were the ideas came to my mind form what you said about the album.
PinkThrone said:
Great, cause Dance of Death and Brave New World rocked my shorts.
Brave New World is brilliant. my favourite Maiden-album together with Piece Of Mind. but Dance Of Death is just mediocre, imho
But I completely disagree with almost everyone here about Maiden.
Firstly, I think the new album, DOD and BNW as well, are all very proggy. I think the songwriting is fresh, epic and complex. I think they are experimenting with some different elements while still keeping that "Maiden" sound we've all known. They've matured as songwriters and musicians, which says a lot considering how amazing they were even when they were much younger.

I never even liked old Metallica. I think they had a few good songs on their debut, one or two good songs on Ride The Lightning and that's it. I thought Master Of Puppets and And Justice For All... were some of the worst thrash albums I have ever listened to in my life. I don't even know why people like Metallica when they could listen to Mercyful Fate, Megadeth, Exodus, Dark Angel, Laaz Rockit, Heathen, Forbidden, Flotsam And Jetsam etc.

Dream Theater's Octavarium was a great album.
Dream Theater never was the kind of band that wanks endlessly on their instruments. They do have some showy parts here and there, but they mostly focus on the songs. In fact, Images And Words had very tasteful and emotional guitar work. I didn't like Train Of Thought at first but it really grew on me a lot lately. I've been listening to it a lot.
Another great band not that far from Dream Theater, but much heavier and much more jazzy, is Spastic Ink. It features Ron Jarzombek from Watchtower on guitars and his brother, Bobby (I think he was in Halford, not like that though, the band Halford), on drums. The vocals on Ink Compatible sort of remind me of James LaBrie like earlier on when he was more aggressive.
I love dream theater...I really do...all of their albums were great with the exception of Octavarium which was absolutely horrible and the second cd of six degrees which was not as bad but quite boring.
Octavarium is pure technics...no soul, no melody plus they didn't innovate anything...everything they did on this album they already did on previous ones.
I listened to it for a week trying to find something appealing about it and never did.
I thought the title track was very interesting. I thought it was a great album. I especially loved the last song. It is one of Dream Theater's most epic songs.
it's a matter of taste really...
what I know about Ocatavarium is no one says it's good...
it's either the worst piece of shit ever or an awesome album. no grey area.
those who like pure technique adore it...those who are looking for everything else are disappointed. I agree with you about DT not wanking on the instruments.

Maiden is different...it's spawns a much bigger variety of opinions which is a good thing eventually because it is appealing to a larger audience even if some have negative opinions on it.