Who has heard the Iron Maiden leak?

I really love tech metal, but that's not why I love Octavarium. I don't think it's even quite as technical as some of their other albums. It is very technical, but there are a lot of slower and more melodic parts that they actually pull off very well.
I would call bands like Watchtower/Spastic Ink, Spiral Architect, Zero Hour etc bands of pure technical masturbation. Although they are excellent songwriters and have excellent songs. Not just technical wankery like Michael Angelo Batio without having a real song.
I wan't badmouthing Batio at all. I'm a huge fan of his. I hate glam music but I even listen to Nitro just for his guitar work. Well also since Jim Gillette sounds like King Diamond at times and the drummer is really good.
But Batio's CDs still have no actual songs on them. He is probably one of the best guitar shredders ever, but he doesn't write songs.

If you think the double guitar is impressive, in the 80's he used to have a quad guitar. He has each guitar designed to sort of snap together. His quad one was stolen like 10 or 15 years ago, so he only uses the double guitar now.
He's also known for being a really nice guy and kind of down to Earth. Unlike a certain other guitar shredder *coughYngwieCough*.
I saw the quad in a Nitro video...
and I totally agree with you about everything else too.

I once saw this strange thing Batio did with a normal guitar...it's some kind of string tapping but instead of just apping with the finger he bends his entire wrist back and forth from place to place on the bridge in a super human speed...it was so fast you saw his hand as a smeared image
I've seen that too. He does all sorts of weird stuff with the guitar.

Paul Gilbert plays with a drill sometimes.
I miss seeing Jimmy Page playing guitar with a cello bow...

kind of made me sad when a few years ago at some MTV award show Wes(from Puddle of Shitt) and Fred Durst did some song(don't remember which one) and in the middle Jimmy Page came from behind to accompany them with his double neck(6 string and 12 string) guitar completely off beat.