Hello, well, I know what you are talking about guys, so I'll explain everything:
First the real issues everybody talks about, guitars and drums.
1.-About the guitars, I recorded them using Guitar Rig 4 and added an effect I though it was good (I still like it if you ask me), so that explains the reverb/dist of the effect. I have the unproccesed tracks of those guitars with no effects at all, BUT the thing is that the original, unprocessed tracks aren't quantized yet, so that could become a problem of time for you guys because you'd have to quantize those guitar files with the tracks you downloaded, I still can send you the guitar tracks and you tweak them as you like, I think it'll sound better, just let me know if you want them and i'll send you the guitar files, unquantized.
2.-Drums, the weak point of the mix!!, The dude who helped me to record them made them in a single track, stereo mix, a single track for everything unfortunately, so not sure if it could have a descent sound? I don't know what should I do about this, I asked him the other day if he could send me single tracks with toms, snares, bass drums, cymbals, separately just in case, but he never did, would make a difference if you guys had those "sounds", just asking. I HAVE THE MIDI FILES OF THE DRUMS, but it would mean re-quantize things here and there, so if it's extremely neccesary i'd use them, didn't want to since some dude put effort to record tracks and I wanted the songs to have recording musicians, but if it's the only way to make the mix sounds awesome, you tell me people

3.-Empty tracks: Not a big deal really, those are all the tracks used in all the sessions (songs), so I just took that song "lenght" and sent them to you, in other sessions/songs, those empty tracks have music in there ok? so it's not a big deal.
4.-Wavs: Didn't know what happened here, the engineer exported them and sent them to me (He uses MAC/Pro Tools LE), I opened them with no problems with Adobe Audition 3 (Windows), So I don't really have an idea here.
That was my reply, I have unprocessed guitar and midi drums, would need to re-quantize because the new files (the ones that I sent you) were already quantized and wouldn't have the same notes always.
Actually using Midi drums, the unprocessed guitar tracks and keyboards must be perfect/almost perfect in time, the bass guitar and vocals will need to be worked on though, so, if you still want to give this a try, let me know ok?, if you think it's a lot of extra work, you can either pass this project, or if you really want to try, I guess I could give someone the guitar tracks so he worked only on them or something? same with drums, but anyway, thanks a lot for the support, see ya!!