Who has used or is using CUBASE 6 Elements?

Apr 23, 2011
im new at recording so i feel like the full version of any cubase would be way over my head. but im finding cubase 6 elements to be pretty cheap and well packed for the price but i really want to hear about it from some one who has used it on here..

( im using cubase le4 now)

so yeah let me know what you think of it
Elements is pretty cool but you can pick up Cubase 6 full for under $300 on ebay, which will give you all the power you'll need should you decide to spread your wings more in the future.
yeah, i see what your saying. i dont want to hit my limitations sooner than i expected.. but what i was thinking too was like.. if i reach my limits with elements, i could buy the upgrade to artist then to the full version if i hit limits with artist.