New Cubase Version


Mar 20, 2002
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Hey, has anyone heard when and if a new Cubase version is gonna be out?

Cubase 4 is very cheap atm (€ 266 with student discount) so I might buy it. But if a new version is just around the corner I might as well wait as I don't need it right now.
Yeah, I know but they lowered the price as well, didn't they? I think it used to be € ~800 and now it's only € 548 (full version, no discounts). Hence my idea, that a new version (like the next release not just a 4.x) might be around soon.
Agreed. They have spent a lot of time working on C4 and realistically it hasn't been out that long as of today, so I don't see why they would be rolling out a totally new version so soon. Although it would be cool, because the full version of C4 would go down and I could upgrade from CS4 and get a freakin' built-in multi-band comp!

yea man, v. 4's only been out for what, a year?

don't bet on a new version too's not worth all of the time/money to drop a new version so soon after the last
Actually, Sonar 8 just came out, and 7 had only been out for a year (not even, I don't think)...
hope the new version has some visual improvements. something like a cross between sx3 and sequel would be nice.

and sequel's interface probably was used as a test for a new visual layout.