Who here wipes their ass with baby wipes?


May 17, 2006
Common question I ask at parties, or any gathering for that matter....

Who uses baby wipes after shitting? Most will say that they have no need for them, that dry toilet paper works well and cleans them. So I counter with this....

You think you can get clean with a dry piece of paper? Go to the park, find a pile of dog shit and smear it on your arm. Now, try to wipe it clean off with dry toilet paper. Smear shit on your clean arm now and wipe it off with a baby wipe.

Tell me which arm you'd rather lick.

Use baby wipes people, if you don't, your ass is shitty and your underoos are stained. Your significant other may appreciate your taint smelling more like baby wipes than dirty butthole and sweat too.
I use them when I am backpacking for sure. Good way to clean your hands off afterwards up in the high country.
Most days, I carry around a small spray bottle filled with a mix of diluted tea tree oil and lavender oil. When sprayed on a paper towel, it makes a good freshen-upper for butts, crotches, and armpits (separate paper towel for each). It especially comes in handy during the summer, as I do a lot of walking between buildings at work and walking to & from train stations.
This reminds me of an interview with the band, on the Obsidian Conspiracy tour I think, where Warrel talks about coming down with what he called "tour butt," from using low-grade toilet paper in clubs and motels. There's an ailment you don't hear about much.
I don't use "baby wipes" per se, but I always have the flushable adult equivalent by the toilet. I can't get comfortable if I feel like there's still shit on my cornhole. They're also wonderfully handy when it's hot (as it usually is here in Texas) to avoid sitting in ball soup, which I also find to be horribly uncomfortable. It's a reasonable alternative to showering three to five times a day.
Haha yeah. I don't know what I get wiped with. Ask my butler, he'd know. He does all the work. I just stand there.

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