Who inspired Enchant?

I would say Kansas, Rush, Dream Theater, and Allan Holdsworth (the last two mainly in Doug's playing style). I also think they have kind of an alternative vibe too, like Live or Toad the Wet Sprocket. Lots of different sounds in their music, but I think they're still quite an original band.
I would say Pre-Blueprint period : Marillion, Rush, Kansas, Yes and probably Queen.

Post Blueprint I'd say : Queensryche, Kings'X, Dream Theater…*still added to Marillion and Rush
From a 1997 interview I did I know Jellyfish was Ted and Doug's favourite band at the time. But also from their music I can tell there are also more alternative and less progressive bands that are an influence.

From some of the covers Enchant have played live, we know some of their influences: Rush, Pearl Jam, and some others.

Funny Dream Theater is mentioned. I never saw them as a big influence on the music of Enchant, but the intro on a Wounded track sounded like a DT song intro, and the clock on Blink Of An Eye at first reminded me of the "moon" clock on Awake.

I don't hear that much Dream Theater either, thankfully. However, I must say the Missing intro is...ahem...oddly similar to 6:00. also the 4:04 interlude. Way too much for me not to notice. Not that DT is any original nowadays at all...but I'll be killed for saying that.
Otherwise than that, I think Enchant are quite original in their style. And they have not become hackneyed (yet?) either! Hehe.
Taedium Vitae said:
Not that DT is any original nowadays at all...but I'll be killed for saying that.

As well you should be :ill:... hehe, because there is WAY more evidence to be proven that DT is one of the most original bands today, rather than evidence that they are duplicators..

The Great Debate is really the only MEGA 'ripoff' of a band (tool) that I can think of.

But other than that, it is almost sickening to think of the originality and creativity of DT.

See ya :wave:
Note, I don't want to start an argument, just clarify my position: Well, it's all opinion I guess. I could list tens, maybe hundreds of "suspected rip-offs" (or as strangely as it may sound, "homages" as it's called when DT does it, but when some other band does the same with DT, it's back to "rip-offs" :D), and back it up with sound samples, but how fun would that be? You like DT and that's OK with me, as long as it's OK for you that I don't like them. I used to, back in the day, but then I started to pursue other...more (to me) stimulating music.

Again, no argument needed, I just wanted to show that it's all relative. One thing that's certain is that we both like Enchant and that's why we're here, isn't it?
Oh, and for the record A Change of Seasons and Hell's Kitchen are still some great pieces of music.
Hi Taedium - I'm not going to start an argument here either, although I love DT and can't wait for their 7/15 show - I've got front row tix, wooo hooo! I just want to add my $.02 to say that I think DT does very little ripping off and is an incedibly original band, while they have been ripped off a million times...from bands who totally model their sound off of DT (and almost always fail miserably) to the yahoos whose name I can't recall who actually inserted a piece of Take the Time (I think - hard to remember now) into one of their songs, changed the words, and nary a crumb of credit was given to DT. For shame!

If you don't really care for DT, that is your prerogative - I won't beat ya up on a message board about it! :)