I guess nobody?

Just got back not too long ago. Have mixed thoughts about the show. For one the show was promoted as him performing the entire Iron Maiden album from start to finish and then playing select songs from Killers.

He started off with Ides of March then went into Wrathchild and then Prowler. I was like 'okay I guess he is doing this in a different order, but what ever'. But then he played a few of his own original songs. The crowd was just standing there as he played his own songs, many people were talking about how it was bs that he was not following the set that was advertised. He then got pissed at the crowd for just standing there and said "If you were in England you'd get your asses kicked for standing there with your arms crossed" The crowd didn't take too kindly to that. But then he went back into some Maiden tunes. Then played another Original song, then played AC/DC Highway to Hell... wtf? All the Maiden songs he could do and he does Highway To Hell?

None the less he did play a ton of old Maiden songs and it was really cool to hear those songs with his voice. His lead guitarist was a total glam rock butt pirate that thought he was some diva. I tried my hardest to not pay attention to his hair whipping and showboating. The guy should have been playing for Winger or SKid Row. None the less It was a cool experience and I am glad I got to see it. I wouldn't ever go see him again he was not very good, a fat old drunken angry man. Maiden definitely made the best career move in history by getting rid of him. But I will always love those first 2 maiden albums and will remember this show. Very interesting.
I was really looking forward to seeing him at Brixton. I was curious about the setlist and if he was really going to do the entire 1st album but you just answered my question. :dopey:
The two albums with Paul are my all time favourite Maiden albums, Killers especially. Why I love them so much, I have no idea. I would think about going and seeing him if he played near me but I wouldn't go out of my way to go as from the live footage I've seen of him in recent years, he sounds terrible. My friends in Maiden Scotland were his backing band one tour he did and they said they same thing as me about his voice.
I was really looking forward to seeing him at Brixton. I was curious about the setlist and if he was really going to do the entire 1st album but you just answered my question. :dopey:

He still played a ton of Iron Maiden songs. So you won't be disappointed in that regard. But he certainly did not play the entire first album from beginning to end. I would still go if I was you. At the end of the day I am still very glad I went and think it was well worth the $15.00 to watch him play. Knowing he was the original singer of Maiden and was the one that originally sang those songs was pretty cool.

His voice wasn't great, but I never thought it was great, even on the maiden albums his voice was never great.

He has a very punk rock attitude and it was very cool to hear those Maiden songs performed to how he did them.

So I may sound a bit bummed out about him from my review last night. But now being the next day I am very glad I went and have some good memories.

BUT.. that being said if he came back tomorrow I wouldn't go. One time is enough to last a lifetime :lol:
Thanks for the review, ironmaidefan09. Yeah, from the video footage of I've seen in recent years, I wasn't expecting him to sound as he did when he recorded those first two albums. And, while I am I'm partial to Bruce's vocals, I still really wanted to experience Paul live, especially in such an intimate setting as The Brixton. Oh well...hopefully another time.
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";9594905 said:
Thanks for the review, ironmaidefan09. Yeah, from the video footage of I've seen in recent years, I wasn't expecting him to sound as he did when he recorded those first two albums. And, while I am I'm partial to Bruce's vocals, I still really wanted to experience Paul live, especially in such an intimate setting as The Brixton. Oh well...hopefully another time.

Yes, that would have been cool..
He played all IM album (except Santuary) and half of Killers at Ramona.
In all his shows he either played this set or switched IM with Sanctuary
so he really played full IM all the time excpet one song. So what did
you want more? This year's set was better than last year and seeing
Another World live was incredible. Even how much he damaged his voice
over the years and the band playing fast massacring (maybe to cover
the former) or a second it felt like itwas 1980, his baby clean voice
filled the room. They couldn't speed up that song and it was magical.
I forgot all about this show (I've been out of town all this time). Now that I'm seeing this my first thought was WTF? How did I miss this??? But, then when I put the dates together I remember I flew out right after the new year and remember I couldn't make it. Shesh, sucks big donkey dick. I'm a huge fan of DiAnno and I would have loved to have seen the show at the Galaxy, especially since I live about 10 miles away from it! I was fortunate to have seen him in the mid to late 80's at Jezebels(?) - a small rockin place in the 80s (much smaller than Galaxy). It was for sure a great show back then. Guess it was better to have seen him in his prime than as he is now. Still would have liked to see it though.