Who is going ???

This was the setlist they played while on tour with Gamma Ray...

1. Intro (For Those About to Rock/Crack the Riddle)
2. Halloween
3. Final Fortune
4. March Of Time
5. As Long As I Fall
6. A Tale That Wasn't Right
7. Dani's Drum Solo
8. King For A 1000 Years
9. Eagle Fly Free
10. The Bells Of The 7 Hells
11. If I Could Fly
12. Dr. Stein
Encore 1----
13. Medley: I Can~Where The Rain Grows~Perfect Gentleman~Power~Keeper Of The Seven Keys
Encore 2----
14. Future World (with Gamma Ray)
15. I Want Out (with Gamma Ray)

That was the set we got in Sydney last night, though I thought the medley was played in a slightly different order (Perfect Gentlemen <-> Power) but I may be wrong.

As for tickets, they were $70-75 pre-sale or $50 at the door here. If you haven't already bought yours, wait till you get to the show.

What a killer gig :kickass: Not only are there some awesome names touring all at once, they're (mostly) playing consistently tight, engaging and well balanced sets. The only bummer on the night for me was Michael Weikath who had this aura of "grumpy-old-prick-only-still-playing-because-I'm-paid-to-be-here" about him, but that was probably also exaggerated by the energy and enthusiasm everyone else on the stage exuded and you really couldn't fault his playing. He just didn't really seem to fit in though which was rather bizarre.
damn! wish i had known yesterday that they were only $50 (on the door)for the Sydney show.I should have gone in and had a beer at Bar ace then i would of found out!
"Concert in Jakarta moved from in- to outdoor!

Due to the tragic happening at a metal concert in Bandung/Indonesia February 9th, where 10 metal fans were trampled or crushed to death, Indonesias authorities enacted a law that from now on every rock and metal concert has to take place outdoors. This affected Helloween's performance on Feb 22nd, which was originally scheduled at the Tennis Indoor Senayan in Jakarta. Luckily, the area has a tennis outdoor arena next to the indoor venue, so there was no big change for the fans. The weather being very cloudy and rain was forecasted, the promoter engaged a Pawang Hujan, a magic rainmaster to prevent the show from rain, and, it worked! Throughout the evening not one drop fell down, and Helloween celebrated with 4000 dedicated fans an evening to remember for everybody who witnessed!"


They got more people in Jakarta than in the 3 Australian cities combined. Not that that's surprising, for Helloween are very big over there. Plus they had a rainmaster! :rock: