WHO IS STILL HERE? 2023 Thread

Mar 19, 2016
Ok mfs, please chime in if you’re still on here?

Let me get a: “Hell yeah!” In the comments if you’re probably never leaving 😊🤘

Also, since I expect we’re somewhere around 5-10 people, I guess we could do introductions.

I’ll start, if it helps.

I’m 35, soon 36. Father of two. I started listening to COB around 2002. Friend of mine who isn’t into metal “accidentally” pirated SW, HB, TW and FTR, and gave them to me. I had to save up and buy them on CD, cause they were that good, and I wanted to support them. I was at a boarding school for troubled kids at the time. While there I picked up the guitar. Later I became interested in mechanics and educated myself in that direction. After a string of more or less shitty jobs i went back to school, and I am now a mediocre teacher. I teach English, Danish and music.
Obviously I am Danish, sorry.

This is my second account on here I’m pretty sure. My first one was called “ESPfanboy” or “ESPcadaver” or something along those lines, as I was and still am very inclined towards that peticular brand.

If anyone is genuinely interested in having a pen pal to talk COB and/or guitar with, I’ll add you on Facebook messenger.
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I'm 29 from Hungary. I started listening to COB around 2009 in the high school. The first song which I like it was "Antisocial" cover. In first time, I don't really liked SW or HB albums, but now HB is one of my favorite. Once, in 2012, I almost made it to a concert at the Volt festival. But my friend did not come and I did not go alone. Finally, I never saw them live. And I never will.

I learned geology in the University, but now I'm a 3D artist. I working on videogames, but I learn architecture visualisation (arch-viz) and I would like to work in that segment with Unreal Engine 5. I'm interested in paleontology from long long time (from kindergarten, basically) so after the arch-viz I'm going to learn paleontology (deeper) and I practise to sculpting bones and animals in 3D.
I'm still learning English as well, so sorry for the mistakes. : )

Now, I'm going to a dinosaur excavation (in every years) for one week, so... if I don't answer, that's why. ( :
Found COB when a friend of mine in middle school(around 2005-2006) had a copy of AYDY on his dresser and I went and bought the album because I trusted his music tastes and fell in love with their music and once I discovered the first 4 records and the Young Guitar video of Alexi and Roope, I was hooked for life. I'm never ditching this forum!
Hi, I'm an old fart now in my 40's and have lived in the UK for almost half my live. I was born in Hungary, grew up in Germany and started playing in a band in Hungary around 1997. I've always been an Yngwie fanboy. A fellow guitarist borrowed me his Hatebreeder casette and I was instantly hooked on Alexi's songwriting and solos. Didn't connect with his singing so much. Actually I argued at the time, that they should get a singer who can do clean vocals. I realise now what nonsense that was :D Still can't believe he's gone fuck. I bought two ESP Horizons in 2008 and 2009 because of Alexi. I'm glad I did, I still have them and they're awesome and I'm a proud owner of two real Esp's, none of that E-II bullshit.

I'm 29 from Hungary. I started listening to COB around 2009 in the high school. The first song which I like it was "Antisocial" cover. In first time, I don't really liked SW or HB albums, but now HB is one of my favorite. Once, in 2012, I almost made it to a concert at the Volt festival. But my friend did not come and I did not go alone. Finally, I never saw them live. And I never will.

I learned geology in the University, but now I'm a 3D artist. I working on videogames, but I learn architecture visualisation (arch-viz) and I would like to work in that segment with Unreal Engine 5. I'm interested in paleontology from long long time (from kindergarten, basically) so after the arch-viz I'm going to learn paleontology (deeper) and I practise to sculpting bones and animals in 3D.
I'm still learning English as well, so sorry for the mistakes. : )

Now, I'm going to a dinosaur excavation (in every years) for one week, so... if I don't answer, that's why. ( :

Bummer you never got to see them live.
I have severe regrets I didn’t see them every time I could have. I saw them at Wacken Open Air 2006, and then again in a Copenhagen venue in 2011.
Hatebreeder is all thriller - no filler. Every song is a banger.
For me it took me longer to appreciate HCDR, and even longer AYDY. Now I love them all except RRF, that one I just like a lot.

I have a colleague who’s very much into palaeontology and geology, and every time she tells me stuff I can not help but listen.

BTW, i really appreciate it when you’re posting new stuff, cause I’m not on SoMe. This way I can keep up, and still not get too involved in all the other stuff. Thanks man 😊

Found COB when a friend of mine in middle school(around 2005-2006) had a copy of AYDY on his dresser and I went and bought the album because I trusted his music tastes and fell in love with their music and once I discovered the first 4 records and the Young Guitar video of Alexi and Roope, I was hooked for life. I'm never ditching this forum!

I’m so not ever ditching neither band or forum. I’ll probably try and keep up with every former band member and hang around indefinitely.
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Hi, I'm an old fart now in my 40's and have lived in the UK for almost half my live. I was born in Hungary, grew up in Germany and started playing in a band in Hungary around 1997. I've always been an Yngwie fanboy. A fellow guitarist borrowed me his Hatebreeder casette and I was instantly hooked on Alexi's songwriting and solos. Didn't connect with his singing so much. Actually I argued at the time, that they should get a singer who can do clean vocals. I realise now what nonsense that was :D Still can't believe he's gone fuck. I bought two ESP Horizons in 2008 and 2009 because of Alexi. I'm glad I did, I still have them and they're awesome and I'm a proud owner of two real Esp's, none of that E-II bullshit.
The world needs old farts, especially ones with good taste in music 😊
Are you into Marshall’s, living where you are, there in Milton Keynes?

The E-IIs are built by the same people at ESP Tokyo, to the same standards as before. I’d love to get a couple, but i just really like to see the “ESP” logo on my guitar. Same with LTDs. They’re really good (mostly), but i don’t desire them nearly as much 😅 I want to save up for a proper ESP for my 40th in four years.
The world needs old farts, especially ones with good taste in music 😊
Are you into Marshall’s, living where you are, there in Milton Keynes?

The E-IIs are built by the same people at ESP Tokyo, to the same standards as before. I’d love to get a couple, but i just really like to see the “ESP” logo on my guitar. Same with LTDs. They’re really good (mostly), but i don’t desire them nearly as much 😅 I want to save up for a proper ESP for my 40th in four years.
I drive past the Marshall head office a couple of times a month and always think I should break in one day :D Although I think it's more of a head office and they only do their paperwork in there.
I've never owned a Marshall, I have an Engl Blackmore that I never managed to get to sound right for some reason, it's a love-hate relationship.
E-II might be manufactured in the same factory, but to me the ESP logo on the headstock is the real deal. However these days, I would refuse to pay 4K for the stupid ESP logo so ESP as a company is dead to me.
I also have and Engl E530 preamp that I use running into a Torpedo Live as my main home rig. I'm still running real pedals infront of it like the old fart I am, none of that digital stuff the kids use these days. However, I think I'm finally going to bite the bullet and get myself a Quad Cortex for Christmas maybe.
Im still here. I sometimes read when there is news, and sometimes I read old interviews or watch old photos, to think back to happier times.

Ive known Alexi on a personal level. I had the honor of calling him my boyfriend for a while. Yes, I dated him. I was in shock when I heard about his death and also the subsequent events. So I started googling and looking at stuff when the ‘shitstorm’ broke loose. I started posting and reading here because I couldn’t bear Alexi’s legacy being tainted by all this gossip, and I wasn’t ready to let people know this, because I didn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. Now I am (thanks to another order of events that shall not be named and me wanting to protect the integrity of this forum and prevent takedown requests and litigation).

Ive found this place to be wonderful and you guys have a great archive of interviews, pics and old memories. The way you are all talking about guitars and their technicalities… he would have loved this. It warms my heart ❤️

No, I am NOT ANY of the women who’s name starts with a K. I am someone else. My name doesnt even start with a K. We were never public, I am a very private person and so was he.

Been lurking as a guest but always enjoyed CoB since -99. Played at Sweden Rock the same year in -04 but don´t remeber seeing them then, but managaed to see them in -19 at Barcelona Rock Fest. Maybe not at their best though... =(
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I drive past the Marshall head office a couple of times a month and always think I should break in one day :D Although I think it's more of a head office and they only do their paperwork in there.
I've never owned a Marshall, I have an Engl Blackmore that I never managed to get to sound right for some reason, it's a love-hate relationship.
E-II might be manufactured in the same factory, but to me the ESP logo on the headstock is the real deal. However these days, I would refuse to pay 4K for the stupid ESP logo so ESP as a company is dead to me.
I also have and Engl E530 preamp that I use running into a Torpedo Live as my main home rig. I'm still running real pedals infront of it like the old fart I am, none of that digital stuff the kids use these days. However, I think I'm finally going to bite the bullet and get myself a Quad Cortex for Christmas maybe.
I’ll DM you for further guitar discussion 😊
Im still here. I sometimes read when there is news, and sometimes I read old interviews or watch old photos, to think back to happier times.

Ive known Alexi on a personal level. I had the honor of calling him my boyfriend for a while. Yes, I dated him. I was in shock when I heard about his death and also the subsequent events. So I started googling and looking at stuff when the ‘shitstorm’ broke loose. I started posting and reading here because I couldn’t bear Alexi’s legacy being tainted by all this gossip, and I wasn’t ready to let people know this, because I didn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. Now I am (thanks to another order of events that shall not be named and me wanting to protect the integrity of this forum and prevent takedown requests and litigation).

Ive found this place to be wonderful and you guys have a great archive of interviews, pics and old memories. The way you are all talking about guitars and their technicalities… he would have loved this. It warms my heart ❤️

No, I am NOT ANY of the women who’s name starts with a K. I am someone else. My name doesnt even start with a K. We were never public, I am a very private person and so was he.
Aah you’re still here!
I’ve been reading your posts in the various threads of yesteryore (the deleted ones).
Please never disappear 😊

Been lurking as a guest but always enjoyed CoB since -99. Played at Sweden Rock the same year in -04 but don´t remeber seeing them then, but managaed to see them in -19 at Barcelona Rock Fest. Maybe not at their best though... =(
Welcome to the forum, and the CoB discussions 😊

I'm 60, play guitar, bass, keys, Irish Bouzouki, and electric cello. Huge COB fan.
Damn that’s a lot to keep up with. My da is like 62, and although he is cool, he isn’t as cool as someone who digs CoB.
I'm mostly _not_ here, but I check in sometimes.
I turned 41 earlier this year. Stumbled onto "Deadnight Warrior" on a collection cd of metal songs in 1997 and was instantly hooked. And not only because of the music but also the story behind the band name etc. Started slowly buying shirts/other merch and all albums at release, branching out to buying different releases of the albums when I had the extra cash. I think I went to 7 or 8 live shows between 1997 and 2003, the last one of those being Tuska 2003 which was Alexander's last gig I think. After that they started doing only bigger venues and my chances of catching them slimmed down a lot so I saw them only 4 times IIRC, but only once with Daniel and that was the final tour. Was planning on going to Tuska for Bodom After Midnight before it all came to an end. I've kept up with buying the re-release vinyls and occasionally some other merch too just for the collection's sake.

I really should do a good, thorough inventory of all my stuff.
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