Who is suffering from...

Coldfire Mouse

Magpie Witch
Mar 2, 2002
In The Shadows

Prog-Power Withdrawal Syndrome.

Big time case of it here.

And who among those of us suffering from it have wisely chosen to take today off so that they can attempt to keep that ProgPower coccoon of love around them before heading back into the harsh world of the mundane and reality (aka work)?

For a ProgPower that for reasons I was beginning to dread...it ended up being one of the best ProgPowers evah! Despite the major incident on Thursday. That will be a separate post.

However....those of us suffering from PPWS and are home or at work...what are YOU doing today to help you thru it?

Me? I'm reading posts, hoping my pics get sent to me, playing lots of Freak Kitchen, chatting with my sister, and contacting all the friends I connected with over the weekend....both new AND old. And I'm sighing....ALOT...and wearing black.


p.s. Glenn if you read this my friend...YOu are THE MAN! but you knew that....right?
I'm sleeping on and off. Granted, I have to go to one class today. Otherwise, just sitting in absolute silence and kicking myself for not taking the time I had to go hit the vender's room. But I'm sure Paul will be more than happy to play music for me later. He rawks like that. ;)
...i am....:cry:

...i think it started on sat nite...it went waaaay too fast...i am at, i guess it is what you would call 'work'...not much for me to do here besides do word searches and look at threads...sigh..........

and to top it off...me gots a cold....:erk:
Got a case of it here...

I'm mainly just pissed off at myself for blowing the $400 bucks I had on mari..something need not mentioned here:)Smokin: )..instead of using it on vendors. Fuck!
super case of withdrawal, but i am off all week so i will just sit and remember and listen to the awesome music i got, and stay connected to you wonderful, awesome people.
Absolutely. This was the best year yet, and I watched the least amount of music this year. I met so many more new friends this year, got to see old ones, who mean the world to me, again and had the time of my life. I think I hit an after party every night this year...my liver hates you all.

:worship: to some special people...you know who you are.
To one of those people, just let me say...:puke:...sorry.
Definitely suffering big time here...for many reasons. Miss you all already, and it sucks to be back home knowing I have to go back to work tomorrow. We wait all year for this, and then it goes by in the blink of an eye, it seems. I had an amazing time...and I'm gonna have to agree with Gary - this was the best year EVER. Let's do it again next year, shall we? :kickass:
Leave ended yesterday, so I am back to work. But I brought my guitar with me and am annoying everyone with nonstop prog all day long. Not looking forward to when the wife finally realizes just how much money I spent this weekend. But it was worth every penny!
I am definitely suffering.... and Whisper..... you are the best.
and still a smartass....

TheWhisper said:
Absolutely. This was the best year yet, and I watched the least amount of music this year. I met so many more new friends this year, got to see old ones, who mean the world to me, again and had the time of my life. I think I hit an after party every night this year...my liver hates you all.

:worship: to some special people...you know who you are.
To one of those people, just let me say...:puke:...sorry.
I was teary eyed :cry: all the way home on the plane!

My solace has been reading posts, looking at pics and emailing one another.
(and remembering glen's dance/dive and backup singing!)

What a great time I had with y'all

WeeboTech said:
I was teary eyed :cry: all the way home on the plane!

My solace has been reading posts, looking at pics and emailing one another.
(and remembering glen's dance/dive and backup singing!)

What a great time I had with y'all


hey Weebo?

And then there is the climbing walls ;)

Luv ya my friend!

Yeah, it went way way to fast!!!
I slept until 5pm yesterday and I am still exhasted and everything hurts!

But most of all I am sad that it will be a whole year before I see all the awesome friends (old and new that I hung out with this year).
I wish I could just be recuperating today. Somehow, I got sucked back into work. Blah.

At least I have new music to keep me company!!!
I'm not back to work til Wed and I too am basking in the weekend's afterglow...

and I miss everyone already... like I missed a decent amount of sleep over the weekend (we ALL can relate to that one)

Before it was over, I was planning next year with my two future PP 8 roommates...

... and the search begins for a gold card.....
Add me to the list. Never enough time to hang out with all the cool people who attend. Goes just too quickly. Have to agree, might have been the best show ever. Already back to work. Still trying to find my voice.
I'm having extra withdrawals this year, because I didn't really get a chance to say proper goodbyes to people. Next year, I'm taking an afternoon flight, or even an evening flight, even if it costs a bit more.
booB said:
I'm having extra withdrawals this year, because I didn't really get a chance to say proper goodbyes to people. Next year, I'm taking an afternoon flight, or even an evening flight, even if it costs a bit more.
Agreed, I'll be taking an afternoon flight, at the very least. Some of our group talked about staying Sunday, and leaving on Monday, to help wind down from the weekend's activities...before we have to get back to the 'real world'.
TheWhisper said:
Agreed, I'll be taking an afternoon flight, at the very least. Some of our group talked about staying Sunday, and leaving on Monday, to help wind down from the weekend's activities...before we have to get back to the 'real world'.

yeah but then if you stay Sunday and come back Monday, you'll need the Tuesday to hang on the boards and decompress before trading the mundane again.

Coldie....le sigh