Who is suffering from...

Coldfire Mouse said:
And who among those of us suffering from it have wisely chosen to take today off so that they can attempt to keep that ProgPower coccoon of love around them before heading back into the harsh world of the mundane and reality (aka work)?

However....those of us suffering from PPWS and are home or at work...what are YOU doing today to help you thru it?

Hi Coldie - Sorry I didn't find you over the weekend. I really wanted to hear that plate glass story! (And, of course, meet a fellow Shadow Gallery fan.)

I did take today off work, but it's less about maintaining that PP "cocoon" and more about sorting through the mail, stocking up on groceries, doing laundry, assessing the damage to my bank account, etc.. :erk:

I am taking frequent breaks, though, to check up on the boards...and I am REALLY loving that showcase CD sampler!
I don't go back to work until Tuesday. Just taking care of a little jet lag. And just kicking back and enjoying a little quiet time. I was watching my video of Friday night's after party!! Fucking Hilarious. It would have been better if I would have kept my blathering mouth shut though!! LOL
Had a GREAT WEEKEND. Met more new friends this year than all my progpowers past. Killer Time, Ten Killer Bands, and a 1000+ cool people equals WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :kickass: :headbang: :kickass: :headbang: :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:

OK Back to mellowwwww....:lol:
aawww Kimberly...the other person not met from my Must MEET list. Darnit and I love meeing all my Gallerian family too! The plate glass story goes hand in hand with the clown car. wish I had video of that ;)

We're running errands...reading boards, washing clothes...hundreds of e-mails...sighing ALOT and looking at my naked finger.

BAD case of the post-BB blahs here. I'm coping by calling in sick to work, and I just got back home after dropping Aki off at the airport for his 28-hour journey home to (fuckin') Finland. o_O

freakchylde said:
I'm sleeping on and off. Granted, I have to go to one class today. Otherwise, just sitting in absolute silence and kicking myself for not taking the time I had to go hit the vender's room. But I'm sure Paul will be more than happy to play music for me later. He rawks like that. ;)

Who, me?




Robin/ReaLM, I looked for ya after Epica's set, but never found you....I wanted to give you a big hug for sponsoring a great band with a terrific set! :headbang:
Only suffering from the lack of sleep....and cold I think I got on the plane coming back.

Depressing not having it to look forward to, but damn, I get a huge smile on my face thinking about the weekend. That should hold me for a while.
Pellaz said:
Robin/ReaLM, I looked for ya after Epica's set, but never found you....I wanted to give you a big hug for sponsoring a great band with a terrific set! :headbang:

They were amazing! After their set I ran back stage to tell them so :).

I looked for you after Jorn, but I guess we kept missing each other. I missed saying goodbye to a bunch of people this year which really sucks. Since you're a local (sort of ;) ), hopefully I will see you and some of the other locals sooner than next PP!
Does it feel a little odd or dreary to be back in your home state/country after the weekend? that's kind of how I know it's really over - I walk in my door to face my overly-famliar surroundings again. I spent the night at a motel in Ohio and drove the rest of the way up to Michigan today in the rain. It's raining now as I sit in my apartment at school, listening to the Cds I bought, wondering how long I can procrastinate homework before I have to re-insert myself into every day life. Ugh...
Me and the guys (Nick, Matt, Phil, CT, and Scooby) finally arrived home in Baltimore after a 11 hour drive yesterday - arrival time about 10 pm. (Thank you for driving the whole way, Phil.) Nick and I didn't want to go to sleep after the rest of the guys pasked up and went home. We had both been awake for about 40 hours at that point (We had been up with Steiner all night until breakfast at the Grenda the night/morning before, worth every minute) and we just didn't want the weekend to be over. Finally, we relented and passed out.

Today we are both off of work and just enjoying our ProgPower memories and new merch. We woke up late and have been listening to our new CDs all day. Nick is currently redecorating the room with new posters. I've been on here posting stuff and uploading my photos online.

It's sad that the weekend is over. Thankfully, I came with 5 very metal guys who I see throughout all (or majority) of the rest of the year. We all work to keep each others metal spirits up and serve as a constant reminder that we will all be back next year. Hopefully next year, we will increase our numbers further. :headbang:

(This weekend also really inspired me to get back into writing songs and start working on my voice. Vocals for a band is something I've always wanted to do and I'm setting a goal for myself to make it happen before next ProgPower.)
Coldfire Mouse said:
We're running errands...reading boards, washing clothes...hundreds of e-mails...sighing ALOT and looking at my naked finger.


Sorry to hear about that...sounds like a MAJOR run of bad luck... :(
Remember Horshak from Mr. Kotter? Well that's me right now regarding PPWS ;)

So sorry to hear you had to go naked finger, lovely lady. :( I truly know what you are feeling about it, seeing as I've gone through something very similar. Will you be getting things back in order soon?? I hope so!

Wasn't *supposed* to be working today, but got some calls from my client/boss and have a bid proposal to put together by Wednesday. Egad sometimes freelance work sucks, but I won't complain since it the benefits far outweigh the cons. :)

Miss you already, and be on the lookout for some rather funny photos, etc. heheheh
Ugh! Spent all day in my jammies here at the pc. Emailing and chatting with peeps. Sharing memories with some, getting caught up with those there were left at home last week.

I miss you guys so damn much. :cry:

Some of you heard my commune ideas.........
*raises hand*
Always hits me on the way home(er,the last 3 years I worked Winston Salem,and commuted with MeTuLHeAd(aka Donn Capps)
However,my PPWS was dulled quite a bit when my Uncle gave me play by play of the last 3 minutes and th eOvertime of the Giants win over the Eagles
We had a dead car battery on Sunday morning, an hour of sitting in a parking lot in SC waiting for the AAA guy, and about 12 hours of driving on Sunday. Then Monday morning, I had more eye surgery, and Mary went off to Canada for the week. So compare to all the fun we had Thur-Sun morning, it has indeed been a letdown.

Can't wait to do it all again, though...

I am having such withdrawls.

Never enough time...

And I think I'm giong to have to call some of the vendors. I'm kicking myself in the ass for not being able to purchase all the music I wanted due to drink costs, and cab fare to and from the farest freaking hotel...

The ride home was long and lonley, as this is the first year I went alone more or less.

I miss you all so much!

I was too tired yesterday & too busy catching up to be bummed, but it's kicking in big time today..I miss you guys!!
This weekend was so amazing. The bands were mind blowing, the parties were face shattering; It was so wonderful meeting and spending time with old and new friends; To this day I'm still confused on what day it is, LOL. Today (Tuesday) is the first day I have been back to my house since the 10 hour drive home on Sunday, and I am so dead from the days of madness. Tonight is Kamelot/Epica, which should be good. I am sad that the weekend went by so fast and won't be back for another year. Thank you, to anyone and everyone who helped make this the best PP trip ever. Cheers, everyone!!! :)