who is your fav saxon member?

I go with Biff no question, awesome vocalist and all round class act!
valanx said:
I go with Biff no question, awesome vocalist and all round class act!
I have to agree with you there,Biff for me too.Nice bloke great singer,and has stuck to what he believes in,and bollocks to any trends or bandwagon jumping.Cut him in half and i bet he would have British Heavy Fuckin Metal written through him like a stick of rock.Closely followed by Paul Quinn,very under rated as a guitarist i think. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Yeah - it has to be Biff.
It isn't so much that he 'Is' Saxon, because all the other members have so much quality and input towards the material - it is more the fact that he is everything that Saxon represents: Rock 'n Roll, Uncompromising, No-Nonsence, unique and fun.
Biff is also a rare breed of Metal Front-Man: he is just like us. We can relate to him like he was a bloke that you have a chat and laugh with down the pub. Yet, weirdly, we still perceive him as Rock 'n' Roll Royalty!
Biff is also a very underated singer - his style is far from pretencious - you can tell that he just lets it come out naturally without being too concious of the technicalities, yet he has an excellent technique and range (espicially with recent recordings)!
And, best of all, his voice is unique, yet it hasn't any particular mannerisms that some vocalists require - mannerisms that end up being very annoying because of repetition. Biff's voice is just... Biff! If you know what I mean!

I think Biff would be the obvious choice for most people, so like Mr M Rider I will provide another choice.
Quinny is a vastly underated guitarist, true - and he is a main component in the writing of some of the Saxon classics.
But I will have to go for ex-drummer Nigel Glockler.
The man was perfect for the band. Glockler never over-played - he could hit a solid-groove as well as Phill Rudd, but when the the situation demanded, he could play up to it like Neil Peart. I also reckon that he is the only Saxon drummer that has had a significant influence on the band's sound. Not only has he written quite a few classics, I felt that his style always improved songs for the better!
Nice, Mr Troops!
Nibbs has had a huge influence on the band. He joined Saxon when they were at an all-time inspirational low and pumped a huge amount of energy into the songwriting. In fact, he was the main songwriter on the 'Solid Ball' album!
I reckon Nibbs was the main reason Saxon survived their bleak period!
Also, he is a great live performer, isn't he! I suppose with him being a considerable amount younger than Biff and Co, he's got the energy!!
It will be interesting to see what Nibbs does when (if) Biff and Quinny retire. Will he start/join a new band or will he continue the legacy of Saxon!?
Have to agree with nibbs... can always be found at a bar. Good man...

Living in Stockport, I went to a "signing" that Saxon did in Stockport in 1992. They were playing a charity gig for the NADB (National Assosciation of Disabled Bikers)... Graham Oliver and Paul Quinn turned up for this. I was the sole Saxon fan who turned up for this... I had 2 hangers on with me, but to describe them as Saxon fans would be sacreligeous.

Chatted to them in "Cobwebs" where the signing was, in Stockport for 30mins and went over to a music shop over the road, listened to Quinny playing the acoustic guitar for a few minutes and went for a pint.

Next night their was a battle of the bands, and Saxon were judging the best band of the night... again there was Oliver and Quinn with the addition of Nibbs... Had a fantastic time at the bar with the bloke.... a truely nice nutcase!

... And ever since has been a star man.
Matrattz - a great story, My Good Man. It must've of been amazing to go into a music shop with the Quinnster and have him hit a few chords! Wow!
It's also good to hear about the NADB - what a great idea for an association!

Regarding Nibbs - there appears to be a pattern forming: he can be spotted in bars! What a bloke! Obviously a gentleman of class and good taste!
There is not one favorite Saxon member. I think the combination is what makes the difference.
same as pax for me biff is saxon and if he called it a day and they got some other vocalist in i wouldent be interested in saxon from then on one bit really nice friendly bloke who dosent tell you to piss of if you want a photo with him or autograph which is a big plus. His voice for me over the years has got better by the album hes got a great stage presance and knows how to control a crowd and likes a laugh on stage with his nothern sence of humour which is loads better then watching a band on stage being totally dull and no smiles. I think biff has given loads not just to saxon but to metal in general and here is hopeing for a couple more studio albums cause i think biff has still loads more to give.

Close joint second comes paul and nibbs then doug.
I agree with what Olbahat says - it is the combination of mambers that make the band (in particular with the later material).
But I also agree that Biff is 'Saxon' - If he left Saxon tomorrow, the band would split, no doubt about it.
Where bands like Priest, Sabbath and Maiden 'just' about survived the departure of their original frontman, Saxon would not even consider a replacement. It would just be 'Over'!
As opposed to that, the singers that left the other bands, mentioned above, went on to do OK for themselves as a solo act. If Biff left Saxon and went for another project, I doubt he would be able to pull it off. He needs the Saxon legend to exist in the world of Rock 'N' Roll.

What I'm trying to say is Biff 'Is' Saxon but without Saxon Biff would struggle.
The only equlivant I can think of at the moment is AC/DC and Angus Young.

btw - Doug is bloody great, isn't he. Ever since he joined, the band have been on the up. No coincidence, I feel!!
Biff's definitely my fav member - superb voice and brill onstage presence. I would go with Doug as a second choice. Saxon are simply one of the best bands on the planet!
nightwar said:
"Saxon are simply one of the best bands on the planet!"

Summed up superbly, 2112!

Indeed, Could not of said it any better myself...