Who knows about the new Metal Church?


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Metal Church never really went away...they've just been hanging in there...although I feel Masterpeace was not their best work. Personally, I was a big fan of the Howe era, and for those of you that never checked out the Hanging In The Balance album...shame on you. Sure the cover sucks...but what an album!

Anyway, Metal Church is back at BW&BK 6-Pack #2 with Jay Reynolds (ex-Malice) on guitar. Anyone know anything about who's holding the mic?
I'm unsure, I know David Wayne put out a solo album called 'the metal church' after masterpeace was, well, rather not up to par with the exception of a few songs. His solo album was muuuuuuch better. I don't remember ever hearing that he was out of the band.

I also don't know what happened to Mike Howe.. maybe a Heretic reunion? hehehe

I do know that Reverend is supposed to be recording a new album with Wayne singing. These days with so many musicians doing so many projects anythign is possible right?
Reverend has never really officially died either. I saw them at a little shithole club here in Corpus a year or two back...just slammin' like the days of old!

Yeah, after Masterpeace, then the David Wayne album entitled Metal Church (lame idea, much criticism for it, but the music was pretty good), then countless efforts at reforming and revitalizing Reverend to no avail.

Never heard that Wayne was officially out of Metal Church either...but man...Mike Howe...what a frontman he is! I just figured that they would make a bigger deal of the line-up or make a point of announcing who's fronting the band, but their website is shit...so maybe it's just a given that Wayne is the man...
ashaman7122 said:
Metal Church never really went away...they've just been hanging in there...although I feel Masterpeace was not their best work. Personally, I was a big fan of the Howe era, and for those of you that never checked out the Hanging In The Balance album...shame on you. Sure the cover sucks...but what an album!

Anyway, Metal Church is back at BW&BK 6-Pack #2 with Jay Reynolds (ex-Malice) on guitar. Anyone know anything about who's holding the mic?
As far as the latest news I've seen, Ronny Munroe (ex-Rottweiler) is the new Metal Church vocalist. David Wayne is out again, since the major ruckus over his solo album. I'm sure they'll still be great!
Alright...showing ignorance here...but who's Rottweiler and who's Ronny Munroe...and should I be excited about this?
ashaman7122 said:
Alright...showing ignorance here...but who's Rottweiler and who's Ronny Munroe...and should I be excited about this?
To be honest, I have no idea about Ronny Munroe or Rottweiler. But, David Wayne was great and Mike Howe was great. So I have faith that all will be good in the land of Metal Church.
Good point...bears some looking into, though...

Thanks for the heads-up!

Rock on!
Funny, someone like Savatage has switched vocalists many times, remains a beloved band, others don't get such leadway. Heck, the band actually existed in a form where there were NO original members. Ronnie Munroe fronted Rottweiler at Wacken. If it's good enough for the biggest metal festival in the world, should be fine for a small American show, BW&BK 6-Pack Weekend. 15 bands = 4 first time performers & 7 exclusives!
MGromen said:
Funny, someone like Savatage has switched vocalists many times, remains a beloved band, others don't get such leadway. Heck, the band actually existed in a form where there were NO original members. Ronnie Munroe fronted Rottweiler at Wacken. If it's good enough for the biggest metal festival in the world, should be fine for a small American show, BW&BK 6-Pack Weekend. 15 bands = 4 first time performers & 7 exclusives!
I absolutely agree, Mark! As I stated in my two previous postings, I, too believe METAL CHURCH will still be great. They always are and will continue to be!
MGromen said:
Heck, the band actually existed in a form where there were NO original members.
I assume you were referring to Savatage, during the Handful of Rain era, in which case you are wrong, since by the time Steve Wacholz actually left the band, Jon Oliva had rejoined them for touring purposes, and never actually stepped down from songwriting and playing keys.

You want a band that really has no original members, try Napalm Death (going on 10 years now without any)

oh, and i don't believe Timo Tolkki (or anyone anybody's realy heard of, for that matter) was a founding member of Stratovarius, either.

Ronny Munroe is the new singer for Metal Church :headbang: . The info you have on him is is right, I know him, and I have just this week seen him preform with Metal Church, It was an unschedualed appearance to promote the new CD which is due out now.I have also heard the prereleased CD, Excelent.He is from the Seattle area.