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the animals aren't consenting... you're taking advantage of their urges just to please your own. quite selfish.

but I agree with Guerrilla, sexual preference has nothing to do with intelligence.
Geniality is a word. Genial is an adjective that means friendly or good humored. So, if I read her post right, Tee is saying that he's lost his good humor.

Indeed Chrome, they aren't..
they get trained to act like that.
The dogs are being trained to act on perfume.
When they show the behaviour that is wanted, after they have smelled perfume, the dogs get a treat.
It's conditioning and horrible for that dog to live a normal life when they don't have to act anymore.
It's sad to see a dog riding peoples legs because all they do is show behavior that was wanted from them and it's impossible to de-program them.
It makes me sick, that animals are being used for such things, as any other animal-abuse..

xxx Iris xxx
I agree. Man doesn't have any respect for nature. Of course, there are those that do, but there are a whole lot who do nothing but use nature for their selfish, sinister ways. It is sad to see the number of forests and rain forests that are left in the world. There's not many people. And it's sad to see a dog be used by humans. Dogs are such caring, loving creatures, and to see them be reduced to hostile savages for man to watch and gamble on is disgusting. Repulsing.
What's so cuddly, warm, and fuzzy about what I said? Because I despise how man disrespects earth? Because I don't try to act "metal" like you? Because I am a lover of how nature can survive, evolve, recreate, make the considered "impossible" possible, defy the odds and standards that man seems to set for everything? Well do you know what.? You come off as way to lame, false, and immature.
Well, I didn't say we shouldn't respect natures or dogs but instead of saying this...

I agree. Man doesn't have any respect for nature. Of course, there are those that do, but there are a whole lot who do nothing but use nature for their selfish, sinister ways. It is sad to see the number of forests and rain forests that are left in the world. There's not many people. And it's sad to see a dog be used by humans. Dogs are such caring, loving creatures, and to see them be reduced to hostile savages for man to watch and gamble on is disgusting. Repulsing.

...you could have said...

Damn right I agree. Those fucking capitalist pigs have no respect for nature, all they care about is how many cars they have or how many square feet their huge ass houses are. And while just a century ago all those rain forests were intact, today those evil oppressive megacorporations and those dumbass inbred cock sucking ignorant farmers managed to cut down a large portion of them. But that's nothing though. What really makes me wanna grab the first person I come across by the face, smash his face on the pavement and skullfuck him is the disrespect humans have for animals. When I watch beastiality porn and see dogs reduced to sex machines, the murdering rapist wakes up inside of me and I wanna grab that whore getting fucked by the dog, smack her a couple of times and fuck her with a knife. And after I'm done with her I'll make sure I introduce Mr. Pig Sticker to the producer's and director's asses. Kill those shitheads.

I'm hungry.
Again, you come off as lame, false, and immature. I don't feel the need to cuss. I do it, but usually it is when it is late, and I can't think of anything to say except god-damn.
Ok, Guerilla, i get your point.
Even if it makes you angry, you don't have to show it in words.
If you have something to say, you thought about it and that's enough, in my opinion.
But hey, it doesn't matter, that's what makes us all so different on this board.

xxx Iris xxx

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