Who likes Final Fantasy?


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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Which one/s is/are your favourite? Why?

*Interested in maudlinite and kayodotian FF tendencies*

PS. First person to say 'should have been a poll' smells like rotted turnips. :cool:
considering that half of us have final fantasy screennames, i think you've hit upon a popular topic.

i like FF1 and FF3 the best. american 1 + 3. i don't know your silly Nip numbering and i don't care.
My favorite Final Fantasy would have to be VI, as it was one of the first RPGs with a story that captivated me. Also, I'm a big fan of V and VII, as V had the extremely awesome job system, and VII was just a revolutionary step in games. I cant wait for XII. It looks quite dark and tasty.
VI is so fucking good. Pretty much I have a game of it running all the time on an emulator. When I beat it I just start again. For the record 7 and 9 where also pretty nice.
FrostGiant said:
I've only played 7, 8, and 9. I liked 7 (that snowboard mini game was awesome). 8 sucked. 9 was alright.

Find an emulator, and play 6. It is amazingly good. I actually kept my superNES with the cartrige.. is amazing.
I recently restarted VI (III in the US) on my emulator and all I have to say is it is IMPOSSIBLE to do blitzs with Sabin using my damn gamepad. I'd have to say while VI has the best story IV (II in US) is my favorite because when I was just a little tyke and Cecil became a Paladin... well it was a magical moment for me.

yeah, FF4 had a pretty bizarre story, but there were some moments in there that just totally ruled (IE the paladin scene, Tellah casting Meteo, Golbez and FuSoYa doing the DOUBLE meteo!, Kain's multiple backstabbings, etc).

I don't like playing FF3/6J too often though because I always think about how much I hate the Phoenix Cave in the World of Ruin and I don't ever have enough motivation to play through it.
I think Tactics is easily the best, if it counts.

Otherwise, I'd say my favorite is 7. That's mostly because me and my cousin played through it together over the course of our Christmas break, making it much more fun.
Is it FF2 that had that long absurd part where you had to sing the right lines to an opera? And the opera singing was composed of these horrid "bleeps" with fake tremolos that were supposed to make them sound better? If so then that one! :Spin:
Oh yes, I forgot Final Fantasy Tactics. It's easily one of the best RPGs of any kind ever made. The gameplay is just so utterly deep. For anyone that missed out on VI, I HIGHLY recommend Final Fantasy Anthology for the Playstation, as it has both V and VI.
Actually, FF8 had the potential to be my favorite... too bad they made that card game so fucking integral in the quest for better weapons. I got to the second disc and just quit because I couldn't find the necessary materials to upgrade weaponry. Every time I attempted the card games, I always ended up losing unique cards, adding to the frustration. I really liked the story/atmosphere of the game (though the characters were pretty lame).

I got to the very end of FF9, but never finished it. I just stopped caring as the story progressed. Same with FFX, but I gave up even sooner. And why does the main character in FFXII look so effeminate? I'll probably buy it just because it takes place in Ivalice, the world from Final Fantasy Tactics (which was the last FF game I finished).
FF7, I got it for playstation and ws jsut knocked the fuck ouit by that game, i still ahven't beaten the 1st disc btu then again i ahvent playe ditin a million years, my friend went back and palyed it again and i think beat it all last year or soemthing
FF games have been going downhill for a while, my favorites are FF6, FF7, and FF Tactics.

I wouldn't call FFT a rpg though, it's a turn based strategy game.

Hopefully Square Enix can get back on track, Dragon Warrior VIII looks sweet and Final Fantasy XII looks great too (made by the guy who did FFT and Vagrant Story (which is better than most FF games easily)).

But to tell you the truth I'd rather see Working Designs come back.
A somewhat related question: Has anyone finished Dragon Warrior VII? I'm 40 hours into it, and I must say, the length is quite overwhelming (100 hours supposedly).
I've never even played it. I have played through most of the first 4 and 6 though... but I've never finished a single one.

Also: I spent well over 150 hours on the first half alone of Morrowind before I got tired of it, 100 hours ain't too bad compared to that 300 hour monstrosity. Baldur's Gate took me about 100 hours to beat too, Baldur's Gate 2 took me even longer. I <3 long but fun rpgs without turn based battles.