Who likes Final Fantasy?

I prefer Seiken Densetsu 3 to SD2 (Secret of Mana) which I found to be a deeply flawed game due to lackluster graphics, a terrible story, and the worst NPC ai I have ever seen. It was fun, but not all that fun compared to other action rpgs of the day such as LoZ: ALttP. The best in that style though (other than LoZ: ALttP) was Alundra... god that game ruled.
The SoM games do have some problems, but the multiplayer pretty much makes up for all of them. Especially since you can play them with a friend over the internet... emulation, I love thee.
I never played them multiplayer. That was before I really started doing multiplayer, I didn't really get into multiplayer until a few years ago with online play. The last few years I've also spent a lot of time playing console multiplayer with friends & family, but lately I don't have any goddamn multiplayer games because no great ones have come out that I want! I want another Smash Bros Melee... that is to multiplayer what the Bible is to Christianity.
I just got up to the statue/world destruction Kefka bit in FF6. IT FUCKING ROCKS. One of the coolest moments ever in an RPG I must say, right up there with Cecil becoming a Paladin and Sephiroth killing Aeris.
Static said:
I just got up to the statue/world destruction Kefka bit in FF6. IT FUCKING ROCKS. One of the coolest moments ever in an RPG I must say, right up there with Cecil becoming a Paladin and Sephiroth killing Aeris.

If by "right up there" you mean a few miles above and pooping on their heads I totally agree!
Sorry to double post... but if anyone knows anywhere to get a good snes emulator and the FFIII (6) rom I would be quite happy! Mine seems to have gotten deleted on accident. :( ... also if anyone knows of any good ps1 emulators i would really like to play through 7 and 9 again... last time i tried a ps1 emulator though I was trying FFT and it didnt work real well.
SD3 has a great class system that makes me want to play through it multiple times to try them all out, but after the first time it's too damn boring to do so...

But yeah, it was awesome the first time through.
I really am quite pro-FF8 and FF9. I really enjoyed both of them and the fact that 90% of people rag them really confuses me, am I playing the same two games here!? They're pretty excellent!
Yeah, I enjoyed 8 and 9. 10 was kinda crappy, but I still enjoyed it enough to finish it.

If anything, I think 6 was just as overrated as any of the newer ones. It was great, but by the end it was pretty boring. And fighting Kefka was a joke. I easily beat him with 2 of my characters being unequiped characters, since they replaced 2 of my dead guys when I beat the mini-boss things.