Who of the following should appear?

We gotta have a good portion of Death metal :D ...........and children of bodom.

O, and eagle, ur dead rite about the 'nu' and 'punk'
ive only heard a couple of tracks by paradise lost an they seem pretty good, wouldnt mind seeing them live, may even invest in some albums if they impress :p
People criticising Paradise Lost should probably hear the new album first, which is very guitar-led and significantly heavier than most of Diamond Head's set was this year! I think they'd make a great band for Bloodstock, and since they supported Soil in London recently I doubt they'd be too picky about where they appeared on the bill.

Apart from that, Dragonforce and Shadow Keep sound good to me.
Definately suitable, but I still haven't checked out their CD - Steve (keys) and Steve(bass) will not be pleased :) I guess I'm a little burned out on bands of this style.

Again suitable, but maybe too close in style to Powerquest - and they share a guitarist too:) Would be a good idea to have one of PowerQuest and DragonForce and to tell the guitarist to keep his fly buttoned up :)

Shadow Keep (played B01):
I think that their 2nd disk is great and they deserve more attention. Haven't heard about a new singer - guess I chould check their site.

Tygers of Pan Tang
Paul Di'Anno
Well many of the German Festivals have a 'retro spot' for some classic old band or reunion. Wasn't a huge fan of any of these when they were big(ish) in the 80's personally, but they will broing some fans along.

Bob Catley - solo
never my thing either - but a good fanbase and they would provide a bit of light relief. I'm a firm beleiver in mixing styles at an event like this. All day Power Metal would drive me (a big Power metal fan) round the bend.

Paradise Lost
Great band. Even on their latest album they are perhaps too Goth and not Metal enough, but I like em and I'd definately watch 'em if they played.

I sincerly hope that you are also getting lots of people suggesting Anathema and My Dying Bride. Both bands rock and would provide some contrast on the bill.

Similarly - anyone any objections to the likes of Kick, Lukan, Lost Weekend .................
None really grab me by the short-and-curlies and make me go "Yeh! Gotta get them!",but if you're thinking of getting My Dying Bride then NOW YOU'RE TALKING!