Who started the "horns"?

Charubic Murder said:
Al Gore will probably end up taking credit for it sooner or later. First the internet now this.

You're a republican, aren't you? That idea was based on a misquote of him, although he was the one who came up with associating the word "Internet" with the civilian version of ARPAnet
Mr. Cactus said:
You're a republican, aren't you? That idea was based on a misquote of him, although he was the one who came up with associating the word "Internet" with the civilian version of ARPAnet

I'm not necessaraly a republican, rather i just like to make fun of relegious, government, and other things (as we all do). That is why i chose to use this "misquote" as to be funny. Guess it didnt work. :Smug:
... does it really refer to the devil's horns ... I'm more under the impression that it has been adopted as the sign of metal-ness ... I mean why display it for a band that's not even satanic ...

If you think about it, if the Devil really wanted to influence people, the last form of art he'd use is a form where everyone immdeiately associates with him right, he'd logically choose a musical form that far ranging and the least obvious choice isn't it... it kinda defeats the point to influence the masses through a musical form where the first impression is that of satanic.