Who to send tabs to


Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
I have some partial tabs of Cloned Insanity, Heroes To Us, Doubtful About It All, and Using the Word. If I type them up, who do I send 'em to to get them on the Kalmah website?

I take it you guys wouldn't mind getting your hands on these as well. I've tried to put them in Guitar Pro (especially Cloned Insanity, I have the most of that) but the timing is killing me.
guitar tabs? Bass tabs?

If bass, send them to me, I dont know who to send them to for Kalmah, but I want to learn them:p
LOL, i already tabbed a part of Heroes To Us (just guitars to the end of 1st verse)
I have partial tabs of Hollowheart, Heritance Of Berija (i can't take out that fucking verse!!) and My Nation.