Who was at the Kreator show at The Pound?


May 20, 2002
Rhode Island, USA
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Just curious if anyone from TestAmenT, Exodus, Violence or any other old school band from the area was at this show?
I would think they would be there in their home city to support Kreator and Destruction and the old school metal scene in general.
Anyone know who was there?
Ahh, I was looking around for the Testament dudes last night. Couldn't find em (and the place wasn't really all that packed... unless you were trying to get in and out for a cigarette :) )

Anyway, the show fucking RULED!! Destruction fucking DOMINATED, and Kreator was just fucking KREATOR!! Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck!!!
Thats killer that those guys you mentioned were there. Someone saw Gene Hoglan at the show where he lives too. Its always great to see bands who are REALLY into the scene.
Glad that James is doing so much better too! Thats fantastic news!
The show was awesome. We didn't get there till Cephalic Carnage just started... but all three bands were great.

It has been a long time since I've seen Kreator, and even longer since I've seen Destruction! Fucking awesome!

Sound was pretty good too! But yes, it was packed like hell, and didn't start to thin out till midway through destruction.

Bought my tickets to Violence on Halloween, Immolation on Nov 24th, and Dark Angel Dec 7th.

Supposedly Nile will play there again soon!

Damn, it's a great thing... it appears the metal scene is on the upswing here again! :muahaha:
That show started earlier than I expected, drove in from Sactown and I missed half of Destruction's set. Damn!

I hadn't seen the Pound that packed up before. Oxygen was thin. So packed, I could only get two beers in me before Kreator, which put on a great show. There was no way to get back to the bar and save my space up front...: Smug:

They play here tomorrow -- This time I'll get there early to see the whole tour -- How were December and Cephalic Carnage? I always like Psypheria, but don't know about those other two. The one disc I listened to by December I didn't care for.

I think D. Ramirez was off on the stage side.

Brooks, my favorite person in the world, hehe. Well, i'm hoping to make it to the Kreator show at the Canyon Club in Dallas on the 7th, next week!!!! damn, i don't have much time........goddamn i wanna hear "When The Sun Burns Red" live!!!!!!!:mad: hey brooks, nice finger:grin: now i will fuck off
A KILLER show! Packed liked a muthafucker, but the crowd were in good spirts. Can't wait for Thin Lizzy!!! Sven from Mercenary is a huge Tygers of Pan Tang fan and is going to try and get John Sykes to join him in a cover of "Gangland"... or was it "Hellbound"..... anyways, hope he can pull it off! Lee and Dave from Heathen may join Mercenary and crew for this one.