Originally posted by Mammon
@all spaniards: bah! why the hell do you dub all TV-series!? I was in Spain a couple of weeks ago.. it feckin' rained so I watched TV, more specifically Seinfeld.. and it was in Spanish! bah! (that goes for you too, germans) [/B]
Well, we have to be tolerants and understand that in the world must have space for the retards too.
Mammon can´t do anything more than suck and suck and suck... of an empty tit.
In is poor mind he only can be satisfied trying to be the focus of our atention.
He can´t be conscient that the spanish language is the second most important one in the occidental lifestyle.
So we have our own powerfull world.
We don´t need to have tv series in english here for people who don´t speak spanish for an obvius reason: because here all people speak spanish!!!
and our industry is strong enought for dub all films.
So, let him suck and suck and suck......
Have a nice day.
@Northern Viking, good rules!!
@Zircom, Hello pal, good to see you here malagueño!!
@loWildChild, métele un dedo en un ojo a este, juasjuasjuas
Spanish rules!!!