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Hihi been hanging out with my Lemuria n we're still shasing vikings at the ports ( i ain't kidding ) and playing the lesbos , so it's a great summer for me !
How is urs Maiden ?
Would be alright if it was summer, we are now in our winter :erk:

good to see your relaxing cadavria...So when do you go back to work?

re-post cadavria.
Haha i left my job , I'll have some relaxing two more months till i go back to college in september. Honestly , how can anyone work when it's 47°C in the sun! I myself tend to sleep while working when it's hot just like mexicans .
Are you planning any trip these days , or won't you take a big holiday?
repost Maiden
Well I hope you kept your uniforms cadavria :OMG:

I'm thinking of taking a trip over to the UK, maybe in the new year.

It's not that far away :heh:

re-post cadavria
Haha yeah, i might spend the holidays there too , just say to the fam n friends but pouah , if i am still jobless for two more months i'll spend them here :)
repost maiden