Who will win Big Brother?


Apr 14, 2001
I cant be bothered to go find the thread, but I said Peter way back at the start, I recall Mark saying Marty, so we shall see who is right!
I dont think Sahra will win, its out of the other 2.....
I agree, at least Peter needs the money to look after his little brother. Or something like that, he said he was going to pay off the house for them to live in. Whatever it was, he should get the money!
Marty is a two timing wanker, so he better not win...
I hate them all that is left..Sahra is a manipulative cow....I used to see her and that Charmayne girl out a lot at the gay clubs in Newtown and they were horrible to any girl that was feminine.Same as all there friends.Peter is boring Marty is a typical Farm boy who has no idea how to treat a woman.
Who cares who wins ;) Nobody deserves to win for participating in such a show. I think I'd give the money to the programming advisor at Channel 10 if he decides to axe Big Brother. That probably won't happen though so everyone involved can be cursed to die a slow and painful death.
I hope it's not Marty. He's a wanker. And a poof

He strikes me as the sort of ignorant drunk fuck that would suddenly decide to be my best mate at a party... and then just not leave me alone all night until either me or one of my mates knocked him out.

I don't watch Big Brother anyway.
Marty is just fuckin dumb,his quote the other week made me laugh for hours. He was sober to.

"How do you spell pretty?"
Pete answered it with a straight face,what a champion.
:lol: I must have missed that bit....

Am I the only one that thinks his little "Ill marry Jess" bit was a little too conveniantly timed? Hmmmmmm........
I'm gunna kill Jess to, I bet she's Brazilian,stupid little slut. Nice rollar skates disco bitch. I'm driving through her crappy little town at the end of the month and boy she'll pay. Oh yes she will pay, and if Marty's there then he's fuckin dead to, faggy sore arsed farmer boy, learn to spell.
Are you ok Koichi? :lol: Jess annoys me as well, she needs to get back to a rave where she obviously belongs!
I've just discovered my pent up teen angst, it really builds up you know. I'm gunna have to go buy a Korn cd and put my hair in braids. and wear those homo white adidas shoes, and flip wesssssides to all my niggas who be livin it up.