Celestial-Todd The Incredible Bulk Aug 29, 2002 2,642 2 38 43 Western Sydney www.myspace.com Jul 21, 2003 #21 We all did.. BECAUSE IT'S NOT ON ANYMORE!
Winmar Pillock of society Apr 16, 2001 7,452 8 38 Canberra Jul 21, 2003 #22 Hahaha too right Toddy! Instead of having one here, they should just show the raunchy bits from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. What other point is there to the show?
Hahaha too right Toddy! Instead of having one here, they should just show the raunchy bits from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. What other point is there to the show?
Spiff I have the power Apr 14, 2001 11,915 10 38 48 Brisbane, Australia Jul 21, 2003 #23 dreamwatch said: So who won? Click to expand... Reggie.
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia thevesselproject.bandcamp.com Jul 21, 2003 #24 Well put Todd. Spiffo, I want to audition just to have some normal guys in the house instead of faggy pussy arse ladies men and ""classy"" wogs.
Well put Todd. Spiffo, I want to audition just to have some normal guys in the house instead of faggy pussy arse ladies men and ""classy"" wogs.
Celestial-Todd The Incredible Bulk Aug 29, 2002 2,642 2 38 43 Western Sydney www.myspace.com Jul 21, 2003 #25 After learning that they got paid $500 a week to sit around making fools of themselves, I want in the next series! I'll take cd's and shirts of every Aussie metal band I can think of!
After learning that they got paid $500 a week to sit around making fools of themselves, I want in the next series! I'll take cd's and shirts of every Aussie metal band I can think of!
Gavin Crikey Apr 17, 2001 662 1 18 48 Jul 21, 2003 #26 Finally its over, and the ratings were so bad it will never be on again !!!!!!!!!!!!! Super
S spawn Member Apr 14, 2001 14,245 8 38 Jul 21, 2003 #27 2 million people watched it last night, it will be back next year
Aussie_Outlaw King Of Fools Aug 4, 2002 775 3 18 Melbourne, Australia Jul 22, 2003 #28 Apolyom-Todd said: We all did.. BECAUSE IT'S NOT ON ANYMORE! Click to expand... [color=#AOEOOA]Are you sure? American Idol takes the place of the eviction show next sunday. So really it's just gotten worse.[/color]
Apolyom-Todd said: We all did.. BECAUSE IT'S NOT ON ANYMORE! Click to expand... [color=#AOEOOA]Are you sure? American Idol takes the place of the eviction show next sunday. So really it's just gotten worse.[/color]
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia thevesselproject.bandcamp.com Jul 22, 2003 #29 I think Australian Idol will be better than Big Brother (provided it is handled well).
Celestial-Todd The Incredible Bulk Aug 29, 2002 2,642 2 38 43 Western Sydney www.myspace.com Jul 22, 2003 #30 And the chances of that are? Welcome to Popstars mk.2
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia thevesselproject.bandcamp.com Jul 22, 2003 #31 Yeah, that is what I expect, but with a little more cred.
Celestial-Todd The Incredible Bulk Aug 29, 2002 2,642 2 38 43 Western Sydney www.myspace.com Jul 22, 2003 #32 Popstars had cred?
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia thevesselproject.bandcamp.com Jul 22, 2003 #33 , ok, with some cred.
Goreripper Metal as fuck Aug 24, 2001 10,500 2 38 55 Blue Mountains, Australia myspace.com Jul 22, 2003 #34 I don't think Australian Idol will have cred. Whoever wins will last as long as Scandal'Us and Selwyn put together, and that's not very long.
I don't think Australian Idol will have cred. Whoever wins will last as long as Scandal'Us and Selwyn put together, and that's not very long.
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia thevesselproject.bandcamp.com Jul 22, 2003 #35 Probably true, but if it is handled properly, and based more on talent, then it should have some cred, as aposed to 'Popstars'.
Probably true, but if it is handled properly, and based more on talent, then it should have some cred, as aposed to 'Popstars'.
Spiff I have the power Apr 14, 2001 11,915 10 38 48 Brisbane, Australia Jul 22, 2003 #36 I'm really looking forward to Australian Idol!