This is just wrong. Big Brother related

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
I got home from the pub on Friday night. Turned on the Tv as I got into bed and Big Brother was on. THis was about 1:30 am. THEY WERE ALL FUCKIN ASLEEP! Half an hour of footage of a dark room with people sleeping in beds. No action whatsoever. I think one of the girls rolled over once, but I was out of the room so I missed it. Luckily I taped it, so I'll watch it tommorrow and let you guys know if she got to sleep again ok after rolling over

That is a joke!
[color=#AOEOOA]The funny thing is that channel 10 ran it every weeknight last week from 11:30pm to 1:30am.


Big Brother hasn't given the housemates any alcohol at all yet, so all they do is go to bed around Midnight and eventually go to sleep.

Someone exactly hasn't planned this very well.

I'm sure channel 10 expected late night hi-jinks but nothing will happen unless they get tanked.[/color]
I watched it on Wednesday night and it was really quite interesting. The Square house were all asleep but just as I turned it on the Round house had to do the fireman task thing, and as they were running out Joanne slipped on the floor and hurt herself. :lol: So they spent most of the time talking about that.

Then an hour later they went to sleep, so I stopped watching after that. It's interesting to see a continuous stream instead of it being chopped to bits like the day shows are.