Who wrote what?


Jul 12, 2007
Reading the album booklet it says which members of the band "wrote" which songs. This runs as follows.

For the revolution - Antti
Dead Man's Shadow - Antti
Holy Symphony of War - Antti
Wings of Blackening - Antti and Pekka
Ready For Salvation - Pekka
Towards The Sky - Pekka
Outremer - Marco
Coward - Antti and Pekka
Like A Slave - Antti and Lede

Now, I know this is the usual in Kalmah albums, but I have a question.
What exactly does this mean? Is it who wrote the guitar riffs? I know Janne writes his own drums, and all solo's are done by Antti, but if this means the songs riffs were written by that particular person, it really intrigues me to see Marco as the one who wrote Outremer. If i'm wrong, please correct me.

I think in many bands, the songwriter will tell the drummer if he wants a fast part, slow part, blastbeat ... so to this extent the drummer doesn't have THAT much control. Of course the individuals in the band will always have some say, but they don't have that level of global control that the listed songwriter has for most of these songs. For the CD my band made, we would list "... and Bandname" after the list of songwriters to acknowledge that everyone contributed a bit.

It's really cool that Marko wrote all of Outremer (I don't have TBW sitting in front of me - did he write any songs on that record?), which is one of my favorites! I am especially curious if he actually performed those fast galloping bits (on the keyboard during the verse), or if they were programmed using MIDI. I was sure that Marko had written Like a Slave, but I guess I was wrong.

I think it is not too hard to believe that Marko conceived the guitar riffs in Outremer - the instruments aren't really THAT different if you have a good understanding of music.
I think they mean lyrics wise and its pretty cool that various member can contribute in writing the songs, kinda helps with the diversity of the whole album.
I think in many bands, the songwriter will tell the drummer if he wants a fast part, slow part, blastbeat ... so to this extent the drummer doesn't have THAT much control. Of course the individuals in the band will always have some say, but they don't have that level of global control that the listed songwriter has for most of these songs. For the CD my band made, we would list "... and Bandname" after the list of songwriters to acknowledge that everyone contributed a bit.

It's really cool that Marko wrote all of Outremer (I don't have TBW sitting in front of me - did he write any songs on that record?), which is one of my favorites! I am especially curious if he actually performed those fast galloping bits (on the keyboard during the verse), or if they were programmed using MIDI. I was sure that Marko had written Like a Slave, but I guess I was wrong.

I think it is not too hard to believe that Marko conceived the guitar riffs in Outremer - the instruments aren't really THAT different if you have a good understanding of music.

Hi, just got back from Canada, it was awesome there!

Usually I write the stuff for every instrument, of course the parts can be modified a bit later on. Outremer is quite an easy one for the keys, dont get what you mean about the verse since it is with 1/8-notes so not that fast?! or are you meaning like a slave? either way, no programming on albums. gotta be able to play the same in the studio/live :)

Hey Marko - thanks for the reply! Great work with Outremer.

I could swear the rhythm of the keys during the verse (starting at 0:54) was going along with the guitars, like this:

but I listening again I see that I was mistaken!

Sort of on the same topic - I think I have seen the guy from Emperor resort to using both hands (or maybe two fingers) on one key just to play quickly - do you ever resort to this for fast bits?
Oh yeah - since the guy himself can read this - I LOVE that fast keyboard part going on during the verse of Man of the King. Great, great stuff!
Hey Marko - thanks for the reply! Great work with Outremer.

I could swear the rhythm of the keys during the verse (starting at 0:54) was going along with the guitars, like this:

but I listening again I see that I was mistaken!

Sort of on the same topic - I think I have seen the guy from Emperor resort to using both hands (or maybe two fingers) on one key just to play quickly - do you ever resort to this for fast bits?

Yeah, like hollowhearts first melody/riff with keys (and guitar) is played...
f d d f d d f d e d f d <= melody
4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 3 1 4 1 <= fingernumbers

and like a slave with two hands beating the the same note. the same style as warman has on silent night, bodom night.