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Hallucinating Death
Dec 24, 2001
All cds are originals from my personal collection and are pretty much in good condition.

I'm interested in death metal, grind and doom metal (extreme/funeral).

Contact: diabolicalconquest@yahoo.com

Abrasive - Desire (Ball-busting brutal death metal from Germany, with an old school vibe)

Adnauseam - Desire, Aspire, Inspire, Expire (OOP debut of this death/grind band featuring members of Cephalic Carnage members)

Adnauseam - Lives of Lies, Despise, Demise (Their only other album!)

Adversary – Forsaken (Death metal with doom influences)

Aphotic - Self Released (Excellent Doom from the members of the US Dusk) *re-added to the tradelist*

Barbarity – Enough Graves For Everybody (Russian death metal)

Cerebral Turbulency - Crash Test (Latest cd by the Czech grindcore veterans!)

Corporal Punishment - Into The Nerve of Pain (Finnish old school death/thrash from 1994 on Spinefarm Records and later on Black Mark, produced by some Stratovarius member, OOP!!)

Cumdeo - The Threads of Imagination (Russian doom/death)

Convent - The Truth Revealed (Raw excoriating POLISH death metal)

Carnivore Diproposus – Madhouse’s Macabre Acts (‘legendary’ Colombian brutal slam death)

Demonicon - Bloodlust (Ass-raping brutal death metal inspired by Cannibal Corpse)

Embedded - Banished From The Light (PURE death metal from Germany, for fans of Vader, Sinister, Malevolent Creation, Deicide, etc.)

Devolved – Technologies (Aussie industrial death metal – voted #1 Aussie release of 2001)

Diabolic Intent - Reborn (Floridian death metal, for fans of Malevolent Creation!)

Doomed Era – Frozen (Chunky Old school Death Metal)

Eradicate – Complete Eradication (German Brutal Death)

Exhumace - Morbid (RARE brutal death metal release from the Czech Republic, released by Bizarre Leprous Productions!)

Flesh Divine – Necropolis (French Melodic Death Metal)

Fornication – Unleashed Wrath (Brazilian death metal!)

Greenfly – Hidden Pleasures of a Non-Existent Reality (Death metal from Haemorrhage members!)

Grotesque Formation – Basement Decompositions (Brutal Death Metal from Shawn Whitaker of Inisidious Decrepancy)

Horned God – Chaos, Bringer of all Revelations (Brazilian death with members of Rebaelliun!)

Human Waste - So Is Death (UBER obscure OOP old school death metal, Japanese release!)

In Hell – Suffering In Hell (Brazilian Death/Thrash!)

Kabak – Decomposicion Cerebral (Catchy goregrind from Mexico)

Karnarium – Tank Pa Doden (Cult raw Swedish old school death)

Laniena Mentis – Turn Into A Man (unconventional technical Czech death metal)

Lex Talionis – Inhuman Violence (Technical Death Metal from France kinda similar to Mutant, Theory In Practice, etc. )

Lex Talionis – The Supreme Aggression (Technical Death Metal, follow-up album, digipack cd)

M. Pheral – Lie (Industrial Death Metal from Supuration and Putrid Offal members!)

Machine Head – The More Things Change (Their second best album)

Malediction – Whirl Evoken By Prayer (Solid old-fashioned Death Metal from Hungary)

Maledictive Pigs – Soul Surgery (Fast and Brutal German Death Metal)

Mortuary I.O.D. – Distorted Massacre: Fear The Madness (Raving Thrash/Death from the Netherlands)

Murder Delirium – T.B.O.I.A.H.M. (Contemporary Death Metal)

Neolith – The Flaming Arts (“Polish Unique Death Black Metal Commando”)

Nocturnal Devotion – Virus (Refreshing and well played Death Metal with beautiful solos from Czech Republic)

Obliterate - The Feelings (Grindcore in the vein of Terrorizer and early Napalm Death from Slovakia!)

Parricide – Crude (Polish Brutal Death - rare original pressing)

Parricide – Illtreat (Polish Brutal Death - rare original pressing)

Pigto – Depravada Sexual (lo-fi porno/gore/noise sickness from Mexico)

Poppy Seed Grinder - Oppressed Reality (Ultra-heavy Czech brutal death metal in the vein of Dying Fetus)

Resurrected - Raping Whores (Ripping death metal from Germany)

Seirim - Kill. War. Chaos (Blackened Death metal from Germany!)

Smashed Face – Human: Earth Parasite (Debut album from the Czech death/grinders)

Soulless – Agony’s Torment (Killer Death/Thrash)

Subconscious Terror – Invisible (Ball-busting Old School Death Metal from Japan)

The Sixth Incubator – Live-Reincarnation-Ground Zero (Weird/Industrial German Death Metal from members of the cult old school band Incubator)