Who's buying Take Cover?

No way. I've bought a few covers albums, and am almost always disappointed (Helloween's Metal Jukebox, anyone). On top of that, QR is a shell of what they used to be. If a new band put out their last two albums, that band would be greeted with a rousing "eh".

That being said, I'll d/l the album and preview it, to see if a purchase is worthwhile.

Steve in Philly
He sounds okay in some places and bad in others. Problem is with his tone - too nasily. That and he can't hit the high notes that used to. Another thing I've noticed with his voice in recent years is that he can't sing the vowel I as in "it". It comes out weak and just sounds bad.

Overall he sounded pretty good on Neon Knights tho.
He sounds okay in some places and bad in others. Problem is with his tone - too nasily. That and he can't hit the high notes that used to. Another thing I've noticed with his voice in recent years is that he can't sing the vowel I as in "it". It comes out weak and just sounds bad.

Overall he sounded pretty good on Neon Knights tho.

oh ok. but the general consensus is don't buy it
cool, 2nd time this year (the cults new album) you saved me at least $12.00. although people said geoff sounds like crap and from what i heard he sounded good

Geoff Tate sounds tired...
This album has more in common with Tate's solo album than anything Ryche... Their version of Neon Knights and Red Rain are the highlights...
Geoff butchers Innuendo which a man dying of AIDS nailed and captured one of the performances of his life... Ryche's version pales in comparison.
I'm definitely NOT getting this. The band has kind of left me cold after DeGarmo left. While Q2K had it's moments, even the stuff that DeGarmo did on Tribe couldn't excite me to listen to it more than once or twice. O:M II put the corpse in the coffin and the band's recent performance in Irvine with Black Sabbath showed me the coffin was nailed tight and buried in 6 feet of concrete to make sure the zombie doesn't come out to terrify the populace.
I'm definitely NOT getting this. The band has kind of left me cold after DeGarmo left. While Q2K had it's moments, even the stuff that DeGarmo did on Tribe couldn't excite me to listen to it more than once or twice. O:M II put the corpse in the coffin and the band's recent performance in Irvine with Black Sabbath showed me the coffin was nailed tight and buried in 6 feet of concrete to make sure the zombie doesn't come out to terrify the populace.

Fucking brilliant!!!!!
Geoff Tate sounds tired...
This album has more in common with Tate's solo album than anything Ryche... Their version of Neon Knights and Red Rain are the highlights...
Geoff butchers Innuendo which a man dying of AIDS nailed and captured one of the performances of his life... Ryche's version pales in comparison.

don't tell me that because i love tate's solo album and it makes me wanna buy this. i honestly listened to the whole thing the other day online and only "for the love of money" was bad. that song actually makes me wanna shoot someone its so bad. thats sad when the bulletboys can do a cover better than queensryche who are far more talented
That's what I said, it sounds like this is right up your alley then...
The Bulletboys smoked Ryche's version...

yeah the bulletboys destroyed queensryche's version. i might get this cd but probably not until after x-mas. i'll blow some grandparents money on it instead of wasting hard earned money from work lol
A big NO. Although I enjoy covers if they're done well, and used to be a big 'Ryche fan, this is totally uninspiring. The Innuendo cover is abysmal. I would like to see a band like Candlemass cover that song tho'.
i think i'm getting it. i listened to a free streaming of the album and liked most of it. i listened to it while reading an interview about it with tate and it seems like the 3 best songs are the ones tate picked. different band members picked different songs and its seems like his performance on the songs he wanted on there are the best
i actually think its awesome. tate sounds better here on a few song then he did on all of OM:C2. the songs i don't really know make them seem fresher and and a few songs are changed up enough they sound totally different. it was $9.72 at walmart. if it was around $13.99 though i'd probably have rethought buying it
Tate sounds good on the live cover from 2000. The rest of the album he sounds tired and has the same tone as OM2, which was the cause for butchering Innuendo.

Wonder how much vocal training it would take to get him back to his Empire days?

All in all a few good songs, but this album is far from anything exceptional.