Who's Going to BARfest 2008?

:zombie: Surely I'm not the only one around here going to the show! :zombie:

Hey Keith,

I'm not sure if I'm going. (Don't even know if tix are available...) 6/27 is my daughter's birthday, and it would have been a great way to celebrate. But, she's only turning 20 and this is a 21+ show. So...if we can find something equally wonderful for her to do, I may be there.

Anyone know where to get a fake I....oh, nevermind....she'll just have to be patient....AGAIN!

Might see you!

Oh, so even with parents, people under 21 can't attend such shows in the USA?

It depends on the club, and I think it's all about alcohol, rather than parental presence. When my daughter was younger, we'd go to shows at clubs where alcohol was served, and they'd mark minors' hands with big black Xs. The other way to do it is make the over 21 crowd show ID and put on a wrist band to buy booze. Of course, it could also be to keep annoying younger folks out of clubs, but my kid stopped being one of those when she was about 11 years old.:Smug:

I could start my rant :mad: about how 18 year olds can drive, vote, get married, perform torture and get maimed or killed in war, but they can't be near alcohol (or sex in movies--mayhem is fine though...) But I won't...:cool: and I'll bet you're sorry you asked!!!

Kristin, you've got to come out! One word: ENCHANT!

I'll be there with my friend Scott (who came with me to the show in Santa Clara last year), and possibly my friend Fred (who came with me to Day 1 of the festival last year) if he can break away from work.

Ed, keep the faith, bro!!

Guten Tag, ich bin besser! Yeah, I think it's a law that those under 21 can't be in a bar. There's an all-ages club near where I live and they do serve drinks there, but there is a distinct railing that separates the bar portion of the club from the rest of the place, and they are very strict about only allowing the 21+ wristband wearers into that area, and keeping the alcoholic beverages confined to that area. This venue does not have that sort of division.
Kristin, you've got to come out! One word: ENCHANT!

You're right...my daughter said "but Mom, it's ENCHANT!" She said I'd regret it...and I don't regret much. Maybe I'll send her to the A's vs Giants game in Oakland for the evening! Would be great to see you and Scott again!

I think I know that venue--in Orange-something...took the kid there years ago, and it was quite a good setup.

I just might be seeing you....

You probably are Keith

Thats why we hardy ever play bro :heh:

Man, that's a shame!! I wish you all could get out and play alot more!!

I was seriously looking into attending this... but timing and even travel prices didn't work out.

I'm hoping sometime in the near future Enchant will do another show with Zero Hour. If both bands would play 4 hours each, that would be awesome!!! :-)

By the way, Ed, any news on new Enchant material? Any chance we may see a new CD out before the end of the year?
Man, I was just watching Enchant's 'Live at Last'... now I'm really bumming I can't make the show!!!! :-(

Keith & Kristin, please keep us posted on how awesome the show is... I'd like to know their set-list as well.
Me and a buddy are driving up from San Diego for this. We were at San Jose last year and met all the guys. It was awesome. I just hope they can play for a long time.

We just took our kids ( Baeball Team to Citrus Heights ) Memorial Day weekend. And they were sitting at the bar while the parents hung at the tables. No one cared why? PARENTAL supervision! You nailed it! This pisses me off as well we want you and your daughter at the show!

Gotta make it happen! :goggly:

It depends on the club, and I think it's all about alcohol, rather than parental presence. When my daughter was younger, we'd go to shows at clubs where alcohol was served, and they'd mark minors' hands with big black Xs. The other way to do it is make the over 21 crowd show ID and put on a wrist band to buy booze. Of course, it could also be to keep annoying younger folks out of clubs, but my kid stopped being one of those when she was about 11 years old.:Smug:

I could start my rant :mad: about how 18 year olds can drive, vote, get married, perform torture and get maimed or killed in war, but they can't be near alcohol (or sex in movies--mayhem is fine though...) But I won't...:cool: and I'll bet you're sorry you asked!!!
