Who's going to the INFLAMES show in SF?..

Cyth Darcshyre

New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2003
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I am..i was just wondering.
As long as i get my ride..

i would love to meet the guys and if anyone has plans to also..please do tell.

thanks, later,
David :hotjump:
Hi David. I'll be at the show at the Pound. I hope you have your tickets already? It's INCREDIBLY close to being sold out, even though it's an outside gig this time. I'll be there basically all afternoon/night, if you see me (in the middle of the sig picture, except my hair is down to the middle of my thighs), I'll be in the front with a big camera. There may be another chic there with long blonde hair, but I am the only one who will visably sing along and bang my head. :p I'd like to meet some others in here as well. PLEASE, if I look busy or you're shy, SAY HI ANYWAY! I don't bite unless you ask me to. :p
If you're going, it's a good idea tro bring a camera. Jesper was posing for shots for anyone with a camera, and the performance was great. I wish I brought a camera, but it would've been destroyed with the crowd when I went...

Steve (I won't be there)
Unfortunately, The Pound (the club) will not let you in with a camera unless you have a pass. They search everyone. If you are very lucky, you can sneak a disposable in, but a disposable will be really shitty for an outdoor show. And if you try taking pics, they usually take your camera. That's just what's happened in the past. And on this tour, In Flames has been really picky (so I have been told by other photographers) about who takes pictures. I'll ask them later today and see what they say. If anything, bring a camera and leave it in the car. That way, if you meet them and want a pic, you can go get it out of your car. :) But Steve's right, if you're anywhere near the front or pit, be CAREFUL if you're able to get a camera in. I have to wrap my camera strap around my arm TWICE to make it less able to fall off me. It's very, very difficult. Hell, if anyone else is able to get pictures, can I see them too? ;)
I saw them at Toad's Place, and it can probably hold somewhere between 500 and 800 people. There's a big dance floor which became a pit, and then a fence to seperate those above and below 21, since only one side of it could buy alcohol. 500 could fit on the non-drinking side, and maybe another 300 without the fence. On the stage side I'm guessing close to 500 people were there, all packed in tightly.... I missed Unearth, then got to the middle during Chimaira's set, rten up to the front with only one or two people between me and the stage for Soilwork. early in IF's set, I got to rest of the stage. It's very hard to get up close anyway, and assholes will try to pull you back to get up closer...

I didn't get searched, but I didn't have a camera, and several people were taking pictures. A lot of the people there were singing along to the RTR songs, and a few yelled "666" during Episode 666, and Anders asked everyone to sing along with Pinball Map, and most did... I was the only one to know more than a bit of Moonshield, Gyroscope, Episode 666, Clad In Shadows, Behind Space, and even Coerced Coexistance. THe crowd surfers were assholes, and if you had a video you could probably see me beating the crap out of one who kicked me in the head reepesatedly before crushing my face onto one of the amps.

If you can, stay out of the pit while taking pictures, there will probably be a lot of assholes. The stage divers were a pain in the ass, and even knocked over half of Chimaira's drums and ripped one of Anders' dreads in half. Wear one of the german helmets with a big spike on top. It'll keep people away from you. :D

@Steve I wish it were so easy. If I don't go in/near the front, I don't get pictures worth a shit. :( And nearly every place I go to shows does NOT have a photo pit which sucks major ass. I have sooooo many bruises and injuries from shows. I even have a permanent scar from one of the many major bruises I got at Exodus. Tom was like, is that STILL the bruise from our show? It won't go away. It's not dark, but it's there. Man, what I do for my metal and photos. Me thinks me's crazy sometimes!
:wave: hi widfyr!!! I hope I can get some good shots, it'll be interesting with the way the stage will be set up tomorrow night. The Pound is actually an inside club, but this is the second time they will hold one of the concerts OUTSIDE. Hope both Paddok and I get cool shots!!! We need some new ones for the site. hehehe Did you get any at your gig this time around?
hi Squeak! :wave:

no. i wasn't able to get my camera in the venue. :cry:

i hope you have better luck though, and i hope you don't get hurt in the pit. be careful!...but get the shots if you can. :D


take care and have fun!