Whos going to Vader, Amon Amarth, Kreator, Goatwhore tonight?

The show was really cool. I got there around when Goatwhore started, before the show I got a 12 pack of those keg cans of Heinekens. I drank some then went in. I didn’t see that young 18 year old guitarist they had at NJ fest, later I found out he couldn’t hang with touring and being in the band. Goatwhore sounded well, played there new stuff of course.

When I got in there, I ran into Brian Slagel and Mike Faley of Metal Blade. Discussed some things, anxious to get the album out and they are glad we are working with Wes Benscoter. Touring Europe is all about if a promoter wants you there, and playing Wacken Fest is if the promoter wants you to play it and will give you the ok to make proper arrangements, but the promoter doesn’t want to hear your on tour in Europe around that time for attendance reasons. Now we know.

Amon Amarth took the stage with a similar set list which we all heard when touring with them in March 2003. The crowd was kind of stale; it wasn’t like last time when they headlined with the lights and mosh pits. It was nice seeing them again, since we didn’t get to say goodbye last time, but they knew what was up.

Between the set, Slagel bought everyone drinks, like several times which was a nice gesture. Johan Hegg AA said they had a really good show in Israel, 800+ and was surprised. Olle said they have a new music video for Death In Fire available somewhere on a website.

Vader with Novy (ex-bass player of Behemoth) it was nice seeing him again, he is happier in Vader and he fits right in. They played a Slayer cover (Raining Blood) and Vader basically stole the show. It was nice seeing Novy again, the language barrier is getting a little bit better each time.

Kreator played all the hits and were very tight. It was good to see them on a bigger stage rather than at the Mason Jar. They had their own tour bus and Nile did as well. The other bands were doing the van-trailer thing.

After the show, after consuming 2 beers 3 rum and cokes, I proceeded to drink some more from what I had in my friend Mikes cooler and poured all that into my Thirst buster. Sammy (Goatwhore) I guess got hit in the face by someone, preferably a homeless person on his way to get a burrito from a convenient store. He had a slight red eye, and laughed it up because he was completely hammered. Steve Motive was also hanging out saying that he is just going to trek on and try to try some new things in Motive.

That was about it!
Uuuhhjaaaa FINALLY AA had a good mosh pit! Mosh 'em down boyz. And all the drinks and shit why didn't Johan call me before the tour I'd be moulded for that job...
awwwww....nice round up John....I was completely smashed at this show as usual. It was a very good show, Amon Amarth and Vader I think were the best. Nile was alright....I saw Novy, he hung out at the Rainbow, he seems very happy, happier than usual. He is a really cool dude.
JOHN I alked to a hackewr that is it was private so its cool i repscet you u an iu a i am A BIG IDOL!!!!!!!! DUDE FUCK UI AM DRUN RA\GNG REAGING ALCHOLICJ!!!!!!!!!1 my friend says thje mocern litterature origjates in the corte coffe cakesx. dont mistgake lack of talent for genious!!!!!!!