Who's got a band?

...the band of some friends of mine :)
They made a demo CD last year, with very cool production, and got reviewed in some important italian metal magazines.
They play a sinfonic - progressive metal with a lot of influences, but the band that all members have in common in their favourites list is SymphonyX!!! (in fact in a concert they made 2 years ago they covered The Eyes of Medusa) :D
You can go to their site here:


...but since is written in italian and some of you won't understand a fuck, push the multimedia button and you'll be able to download 2 songs :)

Too bad my best friend among them, the drummer, went out of the band some time ago, cause he wanted to practice different styles with other bands... but well who knows, maybe he'll return more metalhead than before, when he will have got fond of that pop he's now into!!! :devil:

how do you go from liking prog to liking pop? i just dont see that.

Also a friend of mine has a punk band, but they suck. Their drummer (also my friend) is dumb as shit, he is going to be 20 in a couple months and has a 10th grade education, works 7 days a week doing a different job a day, drives a big yellow van where there is a carbon monoxide leak that goes into the cab while driving and he says that you get used to it. Plus he has no skills at all and is good at nothing. i wonder what will happen to him in the future.

ok that went way off topic sorry, but felt i should share ;)
no really, i think your friend is pretty screwed up... :D
As for passing from prog to pop, i think when he joined a musical academy 2 years ago, they did a good brainwash on him and (i suppose) he got convinced he wouldn't have had enough chances to gain $$$ (or €€€ :lol: ) doing this kind of music... i know for sure he used to like Sting and Police and stuff like that even before, but now he got totally converted to the "dark side" LOL :devil:


PS: be sure to check out those MP3s anyways! ;)
Hey Knight. I just listened to one of the clips, Chalice of Sins. It's perhaps a little to power metal for my liking, but the production is fantastic! Really good quality stuff.
The singer reminds me a little of Charlie Dominici (ex-Dream Theater)!!

It's good, just not my thing. I am really impressed!

Alex Brazil, there's nothing to listen to on that page :mad: only some reviews in something "non-english"!!

Just gonna check the others now.
Hmm, I'm gonna get busted for spamming here, but what the hell.....

I just checked out SpaceCorpse's link and listened to both tracks. Again, that's really impressive. Makes the clips my band have online look like pieces of shit.
I'm not too into metal. I come more from a jazz rock perspective, so I'm not into really heavy stuff normally, but I didn't mind that!

Ok, one more to check.....
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Hey Knight. I just listened to one of the clips, Chalice of Sins. It's perhaps a little to power metal for my liking, but the production is fantastic! Really good quality stuff.
The singer reminds me a little of Charlie Dominici (ex-Dream Theater)!!

It's good, just not my thing. I am really impressed!

Hehe i told you, the production is very clean! ;)
I haven't heard the 1st singer of DT, so i cannot compare.. i must say i don't like the voice of my friends' band very much, at least in live performing (he lacks of power, not always hitting the right notes...) anyways in the studio demo they made him sound ok ;)
If i have time i can see which other song i can make you listen, among the ones they didnt put in the page there are also some less powermetal (and some instrumental ones too, which are played very very cool) if i can rip them off from the CD i can send you if you want :)

Okay, just checked out Red October's link, too.
It's a shame the recording quality isn't too hot because it sounds really well played.
What do you play in the band?

It sounds like everyone's band so far has a lot more in common with Symphony X's sound than mine does. There's a definite "metal" flavour to you guys' stuff, where as I think my band has a bit more of a rock or fusion sound.

That was all good stuff, though. Everyone should check out these links!!
I didn't like Dominici at all, really. Maybe in a more straightforward band. Apparently he was a real arse at rehearsals and would just sit at the keyboard playing Elton John or something. :rolleyes:

I've seen that video, too. It's hilarious. The tremelo thing John Petrucci does at the end of his solo doesn't work for me, at all.

Hey Red October, the bass player in my band just played a show with a new UK power metal band called DragonForce. They were supporting Virgin Steele. It was in Camden in London. It was a really good show, apparently.

Good luck with it, man!
We got together in 2001, but we just got a singer. We're going to record a demo CD this year, hopefully quite soon. The clips are all fairly old. If anyone's gonna check the clips out, I'd recommend listening to Progtologist 1 & 2.
I play in two bands. One is Necrophagist - check them out at www.necrophagist.de we play tecnhical Death Metal with lots of harmonized leads and many neoclassical/fusion knock offs. The other band has been formed about a year ago, we don't have a name yet. We play melodic/prog metal in the style of Symphony X/Sinergy/Cacophony/RacerX/Children of Bodom, with a great female vocalist; again, we're two lead guitar players, doing lots of harmonized solos and trade offs in the Gilbert/Bouillet tradition. Hopefully we'll record a demo with that band soon as well.
yeah guys, red october are pretty good. they will be playing lamour on september 23 for all your brooklynites. I have a band but we still need a singer and a bassist. the stuff sounds like maiden plus rush. the drummer writes most of the stuff and makes MIDIs out of the songs and sends those and the tabs to me and the other guitarist. the stuff the other guitarist and i write is more power metalish/prog though but we haven't tried any of those songs with the drummer yet.