Who's Line Is It anyway (RC style)

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I'm bored so let's see if this takes off. We will conduct a message board improv! Somebody posts a line of humor or nonsense, next person replies with some random nonsense. and so forth until this thread drops to the second page.

O.K somebody start it out. :goggly:
Okay, Reign in Acai is a washed up Tila in 2048 and JayKeeley is the dirty Turk (huhuhuh) who just killed his sister for living "like a German" and they are shopping for new chones at the mall. GO!
One day when AWMM was taking a stroll down the street he tripped and fell into a pit of spikes.


His faithful puppy jumped into and onto of spikes after him.
That puppy was none other than triumph the incest dog (cousin of the famous triumph the insult dog). One thing led to another as horns blared on a distant mountain top. The dog and AWMM looked up to see that a fellow rc member was playing a skin flute with a furious blow. That RC member was none other than...
...Tila Tequila, who then, being caught giving street blowjobs ran away, lest the paparazzi get a picture of it. Unfortunately she tripped and also fell into the nefarious pit of spikes.
As the sun came over the mountain top where tila was performing said fellatio, the light revealed that the spikes were really dildo's. With the initials L.R.D!
but the dildos were sharp! and made of glass, and so therefore Tila was torn to shreds... on the spikey pit of dildoes made of sharpened glass with the initals L.R.D. on them.

Lord Red Dragon came upon his dildo cache, and found the two dead bodies in it, he proceeded to jump it, hoping to have a quick fuck, but instead, he also fell onto the spikes and was torn to a bloody pulp as well, just like the death scene in Prince of Persia I.
Upon discovering the body of her mutilated son. Tr_dallas vowed to seek vengeance towards the manufacturer of said "Rubber". To her dismay she was presented the knowledge that Wal-Mart put Rubbermaid out of business. She scoured the town to find some one to be the whipping children for the worlds errant ways. After 5 dozen blocks of sewage drenched streets, she came upon a bar. That bar was called "Nad's Place."
At the bar sits a priest, a rabbi, and doomcifer. Doomcifer is covered in a trench coat that falls to the sticky floor below. In the distant background a dark haired janitor is sweeping the floor. Every stroke of the custodians mop coinciding with the ticking clock above. Time is running short. A scream is heard! The yelp comes from the go go dancer to the far right of the bar. Her name is Dead Lioness, named after the kittens she has drowned. 1 kitten for every man that has broken her heart.

<a 18 inch rat scampers under the pool table>

Meanwhile at the bar...

Doomcifer looks straight into Nad's eyes as Nad awaits the strangers order.

Nad: Well what will you have? I don't have all day.
Doomcifer: Dogfish IPA and some info.
Nad: I can help with the former, don't know about the latter.
Doomcifer: I need to know information regarding a certain individual who frequents this speak easy.
Nad: What be his name?
Doomcifer: They call him, "the white man in the tree".
"I'm afraid I can't help you stranger,", says Nad. "but you see that guy over there?" he asks, pointing towards a dark corner of the bar, at a giant man hunched over a pint. "He might know something. He goes by the name 'Lurch'."

On his way to speak to the dark giant, Doomcifer is struck by the realization that this bar is adorned by reptilian symbols, many of which appear to represent some sort of lizard god.
As Doomcifer approaches the man named "Lurch" for questioning, a blonde haired damsel named Cara, bumps in to him spilling IPA all over his denim jacket.

Cara: Sorry sir I really need to use the restroom.
Doomcifer: It's o.k little lady.

Doomcifer looks over his drenched shoulder to find that Lurch has ran out the front entrance.

Doomcifer: Hey get back here!!!!

As Doomcifer runs out of the bar in hot pursuit, an ambulance with the lettering "Care Crew" screeches to a halt as the driver beckons lurch to the passenger side.

Blonde haired driver: How aboot you hurry up eh?!?!

Lurch hops in the waahhhhhmbulance as the 2 men scurry off in to the night.

Doomcifer: What the hell is going on here?

A whisper is then heard from the dark alley behind him.

Mysterious Stranger: Hmmm you got questions? I got answers.

The man steps out of the shadows revealing himself to be none other than "Commadante"