Who's playing the Peace A Chord?

I was there .... embers fade? .. they played ... and some band called genus or genis or something .. they were pretty nuts ..

anyway .. I only watched parts of the first day ... a few shitty punk bands played ...

There was some fucking pricks there man .. I asked a guy for papers and he started getting on with some shit about immigrants or something ....... It was a joke because I've heard it before but if I ever see that guy again im gonna slit his throat ..
almost every person I met at that damn thing was a fucking ignorant bastard .... are all people from St. johns like this ? .. if so I'm burnin' the place down
Rapid Burial couldnt play the PAC as i had to go to NS to see a very sick relative dying of fucking cancer...what else is new.
Anyways we broke up on the 29th or something...diddnt get along.
as for pricks in this town youll get that. But I s`pose youll get that everywhere.
It is a sheltered scene and therefore you have limited midsets but were not all like that.
Generally at the PAC there are a bunch of little punk fucking skaters who think they own the place after they sell a fucking valium and a 1/4 ounce.
He started ranting about immigrants??? I hate that shit.was it some fucking joke or was he serious?? that shit is fucking pathetic ...blaming all our problems on the "immigrants" who take our jobs and shit....fucking racist assholes, shut up and die...got nothing better to do then blame shit on the rest of the world. like unemployment has nothing to do with your own damn government.
Ok...moving on!
how was the PAC other than the skater punks and shitty punk bands?? did anyone go see the video booth?? i was supposed to be there manning the desk and taking care of things but i had to leave the province.
The peace accord has been happening every year for about ....what?...15 years??
Originally it was an indipendant festival seprerate and uninvolved from the local municipality, but recently they hooked up with city funding. the city builds the stage and takes on a sort of ownership of the festival. It`s a bit of a ironic situation where this festival started with a bunch of hippies ranting about the beurocracy, and then along comes the beurocrats with a fistfull of cash.
its been said that the festival lost a bit of its spirit after that. with the city acting like it started the thing in the first place.
and speaking of spirit loss...the organizers seem to get younger and younger and farther away from what the PAC meant from the getko. The city has also been none too pleased about what happens in the park during the festival...underage drinking, vanadalism, drugs, and violence in the pits. The fact that the ogranizing committe has like one person who is over 18 dosent lend them much credit. well see what the city says after this years festival as there was some vandalizm
as usual, and hopefully there will be a PAC next year. What youd should really have is some politicaL/social justice issues you want to talk about or have some meaningful content in your lyrics. this will def3enetly tip the scales in your favour if you want to play the PAC, plus if you have a demo and dont suck will also help.
Jesse, do you know if we were accepted to play or not? I'm kinda curious if we were turned down for like the 5th time. haha

It would be just my luck the year we can play is the year that I leave the fucking province. :lol:

Yeah the PAC should be a little more well thought out. Been going a little sour since I went to my first one about 6-7 years ago. Some people on the committee know what they're doing but it seems like a few are just there to be "on the committee."

I offered to help out as much as possible. I have forum software that I could easily customize for them to use as a "suggesion box" of some kind to, you know, take some suggestions from the public. Issues that could be put forward, or ideas for fundraisers, etc. could be discussed but no one would reply to my emails.

Fuck it. I hope the PAC becomes what it once was except bringing new ideas and issues to the forefront.
It semed to me that the committe was partly made up of people who were there because all their friends were there also. at the meetings for the PAC there would be like 20 people all around 17-19 yrs old and just sitting there acting
cool. You dont need 20+ people to organize the damn thing. just a few dedicated people with time on their hands to make it happen. The thing is, it`s a non paid job for whoever wants to coordinate it, not to mention unthankful and stressful as most of those jobs are. there are some good people on the committe and have been there for several years but there getting fed up with the polotics and lack thereof.
I think you would have gotten accepted as you are/were one of the best metal acts in town. i find it hard to believe that you got turned down 5 yrs in a row. compared to some of the shit the committe looked over and the small amount of applications(50 as opposed to the usual100) most everybody got in .
Hows NB?
The PAC wasn't fond of us ever since we allegedly caused a scene onstage where we shit on the committee and the PAC back in 1997. That's what they told us anyway. No truth to that, mind you. How do you cause a scene at 3pm with 20 people there in front of the stage. haha We did that AFTER someone involved got up after we played and started shitting on metal music in the mic. :lol:

Apparently our music and what we said was somewhat offensive, meaning we cursed onstage and our lyrical content wasn't acceptable. Yet Lizband gets up and does a song called Motherfucker. No disrespect to them though. It just didn't make sense.

NB is ok. Lots of farmland and shit. I haven't found a metal scene here...yet. I've only been here for 2 weeks though. Working on a black metal album in my very spare time. Should be cool when it's finished. Very thrashy. I'll invest in a synthesizer in a month or two. No band or anything, doing it myself. I've got recording software and I'm making drum tracks note by note. Luckily my landlord has a bass and an amp.
I'm in Embers Fade, and yes thats our name. We're new, only been around for a couple months. We played the Peace A Chord, and while personally i thought our performance wasn't up to our usual, we did get a lot of good feedback. The line up is,

Jon Singleton - Drums
Mike Wicks (Me) - Guitar
Evan Chaulker - Guitar
Matt Cooper - Keyboards
Rob MacDonald - Bass