Who's up for some Cross Dressing Metro Sexually Confused Prog/Power Metal?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL

Tammy got me into these guys. Yes, that's a guy in that photo by the way. :) Their music reminds me of Angra, Rhapsody, Symphony X, and Labyrinth. The vocals take some getting used to... but the choruses are phenomenal.

The song "The Love from a Dead Orchestra" reminds me of one of my favorite songs by Symphony X "The Edge of Forever"... but I honestly like it even better! Their song "The Revenant Choir" reminds me of "Nothing to Say" by Angra. Kickass stuff!


You can't get their album anywhere I know of... but I talked to Impulse today to see if he can order some in for us. It might be an expensive import. I'm not one to whorebot a band too often these days... but I make an exception when I hear something truly fantastic.

The Michael
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:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Hell yes, Versailles are amazing! Luckily they performed in their first shows in the U.S. last month and one of them was right here in Dallas! HIZAKI is a serious badass in the guitar - I mean holy crap! :worship: Their live show was hella-fun and so cool to watch! I love bands that LOOK interesting too - like Dream Evil or Battlelore! I hate the title of this thread but it gets people's attention. What they don't know is there is a whole world of bands like this :heh: though Versailles is probably the one to appeal to our group the most.

Anyway, I will dig up a link or two of where we can buy this CD. In the meantime, I JUST found out that they have some music released to iTunes in the U.S. so check that out! They are trying to get their next CD on iTunes too but are waiting for the record label to agree. I can't WAIT!
Poor cherbot... let's hope Tammy doesn't see this post :)

He's an adequate singer and I love the melodies he sings. Let's leave it at that. Rumor has it though... Tammy has a review of this live concert that's supposed to be coming up soon ;-)

The Michael
:lol: Yes, I do have a review of the show, but shhhhh I'm supposed to be "just yer average fan" ;)

Kamijo's voice isn't for everyone. Part of the problem is Japanese vocal melodies and word phrasing is quite different than the Western music are ears are used to. Took me a long time to wrap my head around this and be comfortable with vocals from "J-rock" bands. It was a challenge, not going to lie. That's really all I can say about this right now. :dopey:
Part of the problem is Japanese vocal melodies and word phrasing is quite different than the Western music are ears are used to.

eh. Not that much. The problem is the guy can't sing in English at least. I have heard plenty of Japanese music, from traditional to j-rock to be used to their phrasing, but this guy just isn't for me. I haven't heard him in Japanese (perhaps he does on some songs?) so I can't say if he can sing better in his native language.
eh. Not that much. The problem is the guy can't sing in English at least. I have heard plenty of Japanese music, from traditional to j-rock to be used to their phrasing, but this guy just isn't for me. I haven't heard him in Japanese (perhaps he does on some songs?) so I can't say if he can sing better in his native language.

Ah, very well then. Most Versailles songs are sung in Japanese. I know his English isn't very good and he's not the greatest vocalist ever, but he's not bad. Go to youtube and search for "LAREINE - NEVER CAGE" and decide if you like like his voice any better there. Lareine is his old band and he sings with a much lighter style, which I think he does better. Beware, "Never Cage" is quite possibly the most boring video ever made, but the song is beautiful. Instead, I recommend watching the Final Fantasy fanvid that uses the song :p
Nah, still not for me. I do like Miyavi - [ame]http://youtube.com/watch?v=YMsq9qH-4xs[/ame] (singing doesn't come in for a while but the bass solo is cool too :) )

And we like Dir en Grey right (a band that I'd like to see - not sure if the progpower crowd would get them though)

Miyavi and Dir en grey.. if that's where you're coming from, that explains our disagreement :p ((kidding...))

It would be great to get any of the cool Japanese bands over here. I could see a number of bands doing pretty well at ProgPower. That's all I could think of when seeing Versailles! Also: Galneryus, Moi dix Mois, Onmyouza, X JAPAN, DéspairsRay, Hizaki grace project, hell even S.K.I.N., BUCK-TICK, or JAM Project would be pretty interesting to round out the roster, don't you think? Did you see Dir en grey on any of their tours?

As for Miyavi, well I don't know what confuses me more: how I managed to get 26 songs of his in my music collection or how you can say he's a better vocalist than Kamijo :loco: Don't get me wrong, he's a great performer and I'd travel to see him play (eventhough I didn't) but.. well, you get it. :) I'd be interested in chatting with you about who else you like. There aren't (yet) many PPers that toss around j-rock names beyond Loudness, but it's my other big music family.
Well I'm originally coming from a heavy dose of anime for about 8 years, and then hanging out with a Japanese crowd during grad school, listening to J-rock on college radio, and exploring some of their metal more recently (and my failure to find Japanese folk metal). I also saw some of the J-Rock bands at the recent tour wtih Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, et. al.

Miyavi isn't a great technical vocalist. But he doesn't hit those lower notes the way Kamijo does. I realize that that is a bit traditional (at least from my listening to subway musicians in DC).

J-Rock needs to be pushed more here, as there's some quality music even if at times its way too pop'ish for me. I think that one of the problems was that they entered their visual kei (which is why when I saw this picture, I couldnt' figure out what the big deal was) phase just after the US audiences were getting away from glam (not quite the same, but close) and into grunge. Some bands have been getting away from visual kei, while others continue it (and I don't think it will end for a long time, since its still a fairly 'futuristic' look).

Going to listen to Versailles more though and see if this can't grow on me.
this band is alright but I think they "borrow" a little too much from X-Japan, both image and music wise. for example, compare the song posted here to this one

My favorite visual kei band is Malice Mizer! And Loudness (kidding). Dir En Grey are pretty much nu-metal imo....Galneyrus would be the best pick for prog power though!
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My favorite J-rock band is definitely D'espairsRay, but Versailles kick ass too. I've only got a few others that I listen to currently, though (namely Suicide Ali, alice nine., and Malice Mizer).
I am pretty comfortable with how much it is pushed now.... :zombie:


I think that there are some good J-Rock bands. Plenty of horrible ones (just like plenty of horrible bands here, and within any genre), but some good ones that should get airplay.
As soon as I saw the picture, I knew the band had to be Japanese. :)

Actually, it looks like there is a bigger push for J-Rock in the states. At least, I see it a lot more at anime cons. It is kinda hard to get out of that niche, tho, particularly when you have mostly non-english vocals.
