Who's Who

Name : Dan
Location : Essex
Age : 18
Own Band : Blood Oath
Occupation : Student
Musical Tastes : Metal, rock, bit of pop here and there and sometimes some R&B
Favorite Band : In Flames
Favorite Album : Metallica, Master Of Puppets
Favorite Producer : Fredrik Nordstrom
Production Experience : Recorded my bands EP and helped out a few other local bands, and done some live engineering here and there
Goal : Going to uni in August to study Audio Engineering and music technology in London.
Production Gear : G5, Motu 2408mk2, Alesis DM5, couple of 57's, AKG D112, Rode condensers (small dia) and an SE Large dia.
Softwares : Just Logic 7 and aptrigga.
Name : Olli Ketola
Location : Finland
Age : 26
Own Band : Nicole (Guitar)
Occupation : Student
Musical Tastes : Good music, mostly metal.
Favorite Band : Killswitch engage
Favorite Album : Killswitch engage: Alive or just breathing
Favorite Producer : Andy and Danne
Production Experience : Engineered/produced my bands 1st studio album a little bit, and mixed and produced some drum 'n bass. Mostly intressed/learning about producing guitar sounds.
Goal : learning every small detail about guitar sound producing, and maybe get some of my bands records sold on the side.
Production Gear : Intel Pentium IV 3.4GHz computer + M-Audio. Guitar gear: Triple Rectifier, Framus Cobra, Mesa boogie rectifier 4x12 (vintage 30's), TC G-force, Maxon OD9 reissue, POD PRO, Sonic maximizer 882i, Ibanez RGT2020-SOL (+emg81), ESP LTD KH-502 (+emg 81), Fender stato deluxe plus.
Softwares :Nuendo. Best plugins: (all) Waves Rverb, Rvox, L2, C4, Drumagog, Antares filter, all UADs.
Name: Bryan
Location: Los Angeles
Age: 29
Own Band: Not really metal, but... Redlight Halo (guitar, vocals)
Occupation: Stupid desk job. Soon to be semi-employed recording bands.
Musical Tastes: Oklahoma!, Phantom of the Opera, Rent
Favorite Band: Sabbat and Nirvana (can't choose, so I'm being an ass)
Favorite Album: Dreamweaver and In Utero
Favorite Producers: Andy Sneap and Steve Albini. Go figure.
Production Experience: Recorded my own bands and friends' bands over the years.
Goal: Bitches and money.
Computer: AMD Athlon XP 2400+, 512mb ram (woo!) at home, can't remember what the studio machine is.
A/D Interfaces: M-Audio Delta 1010, Audiophile 2496, Art D/IO
Monitors: M-Audio Studiophile BX8's, o.g. beige Apple Design spekers (great for checking mixes)
Mixer/Pres/Etc: Allen and Heath Mix Wizard something-or-other, Soundcraft Compact4, FMR RNP and RNC, Art ProVLA, Little Labs Redeye, Sans Amp Bass DI, Pederson Strobo-Stomp Tuner (essential!), PODxt, Presonus Blue Tube (ugh - but good for warming up the POD), and a bunch of guitar and bass pedals.
Mics: Pair of AT3035's, EV RE20, Beta 52, pair of 57's, pair of 58's,
Peavey PVM 45i (most underrated/unheard of mic in recording history -- just ask evildonkeymaster!), Sennheiser e604, Rode NT-2, pair of Samson C02 Pencil Condensers, other assorted crappy mics.
Software: Cubase SX2, Wavelab 5, UAD Studio Pak with two UAD-1 cards, TC Powercore PCI, Waves Diamond Bundle, PSP Mix Pack, and some other shit I can't remember right now.
Name: Glenn Fricker
Location: Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Age: 34
Occupation: Autoworker by day, engineer by night! (yes, I make Chrysler minivans. :( )
Musical tastes: Everything under the sun, but mostly metal.
Favourite band: Judas Priest
Favourite album: Sad Wings of Destiny
Favourite Producers: Tom Allom, Chris Tsangarides, John Custer, Chris Goss, Colin Richardson
Production Experience: I've been at it since '98, doing numerous demos & indie full lengths. Most notable ones would be from Woods of Ypres & Betrayer. I'm currently working on the debut album from Aven Aura.
Goal: To make enough money doing records so I can quit my day job.
Gear: SawStudio, Great River Mp2NV, Distressor, Vintech dual 72, Ward Beck m480c's, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Amps: Dual Rectifier, 5150 mk 1, '68 Traynor, and my 'secret weapon' solid state guitar amp.
Name : Shane McFee
Location : Southern California, USA (near LA)
Age : 25
Own Band : BACKMASK http://www.backmask.com/
Occupation : Vocalist, Guitarist, Co-producer, Web Designer
Musical Tastes : Metal, Classical, Electronica, Classic Rock, Pop, Jazz, anything good..
Favorite Band : All-time Led Zeppelin, currently Soilwork
Favorite Album : Way too many...
Favorite Producer : Andy Sneap, James Murphy, Colin Richardson, Peter Tagtgren, Devin Townsend, Andy Wallace, Mutt Lange
Production Experience : Mainly my own stuff. I've occasionally helped friends out with recording projects, but nothing too serious
Goal : To make BACKMASK my full-time career, learning as much as I can in the process
Production Gear : Apple PowerMac G5 (Dual 2.5 Ghz, liquid-cooled) MOTU 828 Mk II interface, MBox for Pro Tools compatibility, Digital Performer 4.52, Pro Tools LE 6.9, UAD-1 card, Waves plug-ins, DBX mic preamp, Audio Technica 4060 condenser mic, SM57, some other random mics.
Outboard: I have an Omnirax unit with about 30 spaces and nothing in it except my interface, preamp, and Rolls headphone amp. I sold all my hardware and went to plug-ins a while ago.
Amps: Peavey 6505+ head (coming soon), Line 6 Vetta 4x12 cabinet with Celestion custom 75s, Line 6 POD XT Live, Native Instruments Guitar Rig
Guitars: ESP MH 400 NT (see-thru black with EMG 85/81 combo), ESP H-307 (trans red with EMG 707s), Ernie Ball Music Man Van Halen series (purple with custom EVH DiMarzios), ESP Michael Wilton series from 1992 (crazy finish), Vintage 1978 Dean ML (upgraded to EMG 85/89, locking Planet Waves tuners.)
name: Paul Maiolo
location: northampton, ma- usa
age: 33
own band: born in blood
occupation: engineer/producer, retail
musical tastes: all kinds, anything that moves me in some way. but i tend to like heavy music the most
favorite band: all-time, tool(its hard to pick one!)
favorite album: of all time im not sure. currently lamb of god-ashes of the wake
favorite producer: (in no particular order) machine, zeuss, adam d., andy sneap, rick rubin, james murphy, ben schigel, dave botrill, fredrik nordstrom
production experience: my own bands and a handful of local bands(like around 12)
goal: my goal is to be a successful engineer/producer and continue to play music.
production gear: mac g4(2), pentium 4 pc, motu 828, digital performer4.52, steinberg wavelab 4, event tr8 monitors, presonus digimax, alesis d4, studio projects vtb1, behringer ultragain pro(3), samson c-control, behringer b-control fader, monster power3500, audix d6, audix i5, audix f15, shure sm 57, shure pg 57, shure sm 58, sennheiser e609silver, sennheiser e609, rode nt1a, audio technica 3525, samson co1, peavey drum mic kit, rolls headphone amp
Occupation : Billionaire.

Musical Tastes : Metal.

Favorite Band(s) : Megadeth, Testament, In Flames [Pre 'RTR' Era], Opeth, Dark Tranquillity, Children Of Bodom, KSE, Carcass, Kohle's 'Kopeth' project.

Favorite Album(s) : All the albums in set era of above mentioned bands. Except 'Risk' and 'The World Needs A Hero' by Megadeth.

Favorite Producer(s) : Andy Sneap, Fredrik Nordström, Max Norman, Kohle, Glenn Fricker, Peter Tagtgren.

Name: Liam
Location: North Wales
Age: 18 (there are some OLD people on this forum!)
Occupation: at school, off to uni next year (Civ. Eng.)
Musical tastes: Pretty catholic: Metal, Rock, Alt. Rock, Alt. Metal, Industrial, Punk Rock, Some Indie-ish stuff, Metalcore (pretty unfashionable word there!)
Favourite Bands/Artists In rough Chronological Order: Rancid, My Vitriol, Muse, AFI, then discorvered Arch Enemy, Carcass, Children of Bodom, Satyricon, Atreyu, AX7, FFAF, back to Vex Red, Thrice, Spiritual Beggars, Skirtbox and loads more favourites...
Production Experiences: Home Recorded Demos in the alt. metal vein.
Gear: High spec. PC with Cubase SX, Various shitty microphones, Marshall amp, V-amp (I know!..) Wahsburn Idol 65 Guitar, LP, Yamaha Acoustic
More to come.

Waves back to fellow Welsh person (hopkins...)(waving head icon)...
Name : Ross
Location : This week So Cal moving next week to Nashville TN
Age : 26
Own Band : Eyes Shut Tight (Everything but Drums, yes it is a studio project)
Occupation : I create, direct and manage training programs for a music based retailer
Musical Tastes : Anything heavy and unique (this includes most metal) and a bit from every genre as long as it is unique.
Favorite Band: ummm... that's hard! here is a quick list of faves ha ha. Sabbath, Zeppelin, Carcass, Meshuggah, Testament, Opeth, Helmet, Tool, Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Alice in Chains,
Favorite Album : Carcass - Heartwork
Favorite Producer : Sneap (of course), Steve Wilson, Dave Sardy, Alex Newport, Ed Rose, Fredrik Nordström
Production Experience : Apprenticed at Big Round Records for 4 years, several workshops and picked up time with other mid-west producers. Worked on several horrible albums not worth mentioning here haha. Been doing the home studio thing since I got my first 2-Track reel to reel machine when I was 11.
Goal : Build a solid recording studio in the basement of my new Nashville home. Fill it with great gear. Find bands that want to record heavy stuff with some unknown dude in his basement for dirt cheap.
Production Gear : Tricked out overclocked PC (Athon XP at 2.4 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, 4 Hard Drives). 3 ADATs (I never use anymore), EMU 1212m audio card (I use one of the ADATs as an 8 channel interface for the 1212m), Monitor with HR824s and small cheapo speakers for comparison. TC Power Core (with Master X5), Mics: Bunch of SM57s, EV868 (kick mic), AKG C1000s (pair), TLM 103, Peavey 45i (snare drum secret weapon!), Guitars: main guitars are a Les Paul Custom (500T at bridge) Ibanez RG621 (EMG 85 at bridge 18 volt mod), Amp: Main AMP 5150 combo (Bias and tubes set custom) into a Marshall 1960AV cab for recording, POD XT (used to demo and track as needed). A crapload of old outboard gear I used with the ADATs like 10 years ago but now collect dust, eBay time?!?!
Software : Cubase SX 2 is the foundation, TC Powercore and Waves plugs are the most frequently used.
Since I've been stalking this forum, leaching on all the knowledge here I'd might as well take the time to introduce myself too.

Name : Fredrik Jordanius
Location : Sweden
Age : 25
Own Band : Ablaze
Occupation : Electronical engineer at Ericsson, repairs circuitboards
Musical Tastes : Metal, Metal, Acoustic music
Favorite Band : Nevermore, Haunted,
Favorite Album : Operation Mindcrime, Dead Heart in a Dead World
Favorite Producer : Andy Sneap.
Production Experience : Pre production projects in my home studio, some co producing on the albums I've recorded
Goal : Right now to get a label for Ablaze, we start recording our full length debut in August
Production Gear : M-Audio 1010LT soundcards, Mackie mixing desk, Shure/TSM/Audix microphones for main studio, Line 6 guitarport, Shure mics for homestudio. ENGL Powerball amp/ENGL Cab, Jackson Stars Kelly, Jackson KE3 Kelly, Ibanez RG620/RG527LTD plus a heap of other stuff
Name : Caio
Location : Brasília, Brazil
Age : 22
Own Band : www.Dynahead.com.br (Vocals), www.Harllequin.com.br (Vocals/Bass), www.Abhorrent.com.br (Bass)
Occupation : Working, studying and free-lancing in design, record producer.
Musical Tastes : All kinds of Metal, Prog Rock, Brazilian music, Classical and anything that's nice.
Favorite Band : Tricky question... At the moment I can say it's Opeth and Orphaned Land.
Favorite Album : Unfairly I can name: Elegy (Amorphis), Demanufacture (Fear Factory), Ten (Pearl Jam), Blackwater Park (Opeth), Mabool (Orphaned Land), Vol. 4 (Black Sabbath), Aqualung (Jethro Tull)…
Favorite Producer : It crossed my mind of Colin Richardson, Alan Parsons, Bob Rock, Roy Z, Steven Wilson, Devin Townsend, Andy Wallace and Mr. Sneap. There are many more, but that’s all I can think of right now.
Goal : I'd like to own a self financing metal oriented studio, too (this doesn’t even exist here lol). If not, at least to have time to work on metal recording as a hobby. Go smarter and make some cool albums to be pride of, and show to my grandsons.
Production Gear : An AMD64 and a Pentium IV, some mics (such as a Rode NT1, 57's, 58's, Realistic PZM, some preamps) plus anything I can borrow.
Softwares : Nuendo 3 for recording and mixing, Sound Forge for mastering, Reason 3 and VSTi’s for sampling. As for plugins, mostly Waves, Izotope Ozone, Steinberg VSTs, Antares, Drumagog, and whatever is necessary.
Name : Adrian Vilanueva
Location : Los Angeles
Age : 35
Own Band : Debauchery (project)
Occupation : Printing/Advertising -Make posters for Movies and Bands
Musical Tastes : Metal, Rock, Metal, classical, Metal and more Metal
Favorite Band : Like too many to pick one
Favorite Album : same as above
Favorite Producer : Rick Rubin-Andy S ( has the midas touch right now) Mutt Lang- Bob Ezrin- Roy Z
Production Experience : Recording Demos and preproduction at my home studio "The Dungeon Sound Studio"
Goal : To learn and build up my studio to continue to make better and better metal music for the masses
Production Gear :Dual 2.7GHz PowerPC G5512MB DDR400 SDRAM
Expandable to 8GB SDRAM
250GB Serial ATA
16x SuperDrive (double-layer)
Three PCI-X Slots
ATI Radeon 9650
312MB DDR video memory
Digi002 with Presonus 96k preamp exp. 16 channel
Gold + Renaissaince Waves bundles- sound replacer- T-Racks
mackie 1604 mixer
Big knob control center
Alesis DM5
Yamaha Ns 10 monitors
Event 20/20 Monitors
pod 2.0
sm 57 x 4
Carvin condenser mic
D112 X2
Shure PGDMK4 drum kit
B1 X 2
other misc mics
back line- Marshall JCM 800- Mesa Triple Rectifier 2 channel- cabs loaded with vintage 30's- Vox Bass boost- Roland micro cube in my office at work
Effect boss bcb6 pedal board-Digitec RP 20-Boos GT 5- Tube screamer ts9
Guitars- Gibson Custom-Gibson flying V-BC Rich Beast (EMG 81-85) Ibanez Rg-Jackson Pro Series- Sammy Sanchez custom guitar-Bc Rich Mocking bird-Fernandez Ravelle limited-Fender P bass (emg's) Ari pro- Horner in my office at work
tons of other toys too many to list.
Name : ThomasT
Location : Erfurt, Germany
Age : 31
Own Band : Asgaia (www.asgaia.de)
Occupation : programming
Musical Tastes : mostly Death-Metal, Gothic-Metal
Favorite Band: Carcass, TypeONegative, Therion, In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Kreator, Carnivore, Samael, Atrocity
Favorite Album : Carcass - Heartwork, TypeONegative - Slow, deep and hard
Favorite Producer : Colin Richardson, Waldemar Sorychta...and many more including Andy Sneap.
Production Experience : since 1995 sometime in a little studio, since 2001 I rent the rooms and continue the studio. Mostly Punk, Metal and Crunch-bands. But I'm my best costumer.
Today I'm working on my owns band next album and wondering how to make it loud without sounding crappy...
Goal : become rich and famous. (I gave up the idea to live from the studio)
Production Gear : 3 Creamware Pulsar-Cards, RME ADI-8 DS, an old ADAT, different Preamps (Sytek, Mindprint, LA Audio etc.), different FX (Lexicon, TC), no mixer anymore.
Still my old 700Mhz Athlon...
Software : still cubase VST5.1, Wavelab 3, Scope Software, many Plugins (Waves etc.)
Name-James Alexander Boyd
location- New Zealand (hopefully london next year)
Occupation- full-time honours student, airport ground support, lawn mower :headbang:
Fav music- metal, but really everything
fav producer- andy :cool:
fav band- syl and mesh
own band- doing full album as part of honours research project this year.
gear- esp h-202 (equiped with 81/85), ibanez ax77221 (soon to have 707's)
warwick 5 string bass, sansamp bass d.i, sm57, d112, boss ns-2, mesa 4x12 traditional slant, peavey xxx, sd-1, ts9. shitty pc, nuendo, dfh1, dudley drum samples, fruity loops.
Name : Gabe Lopez

Location : Fallbrook, California

Age : 24

Own Band : Fractured Halo, A.I.V.

Occupation : Full-time Student, Slowly killing myself at a golf course.

Musical Tastes : Metal, Prog, Fusion, and Classical.

Favorite Band(s) : Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation, Opeth, Megadeth, Mr. Bungle, Symphony X, Nevermore, Iced Earth, Savatage, Porcupine Tree, Motorhead, and many more.

Favorite Album(s) : Awake, Be, Still Life, Rust in Peace, and Ace of Spades.

Favorite Producer(s) : Andy Sneap, Bob Rock (not including St. Anger).

Production Experience : Working in my Home Studio for fun.

Goal : To be surrounded by hot chicks and die with a slice of pizza in my mouth, a beer in one hand, and a greasy hooter in the other.

Production Gear : AMD 2.5 gHz, M-Audio Delta 1010, Shitty Mic preamp not worth mentioning, SM 57's & 58's, Epiphone Les Paul's w/ EMG's, Music Man John Petrucci Signature, Various Jacksons, Rocktron Voodu Valve, Carvin HT150 Power Amp, Peavey 6505, Carvin Legacy 2 x 12" Cab w/ Greenbacks.

Software : Sonar
:headbang:Name: Danny Hove Jensen
Location: Aalborg, Denmark
Own band:Transparent www.transparent-metal.com
Musical tastes:Maiden,Priest,Nevermore,Carcass,Death,Arch enemy,Slayer,Machine head,Fear factory,Pantera,Testament,Megadeth,Anthrax(old),Metallica(old),Dream theater,Suffocation,King diamond,Mesuggah,Soilwork,At the gates,Joe Satriani,Steve Vai,Spastic ink,Cynic,Halford,Theory in Practice,Necrophagist,
Favorite albums:to many to mention
Favorite producers:Sneap,Richardson,Nordstrom,Rock,Date,Kernon,Bergstrand
Producton experiece: mainly my own band
Gear:Carillon 2.6gHz,Motu896,Cubase sx,drumkits from hell,wavelab,Focusrite liquid channel,Blue sky prodesk monitors,T.c. powercore(firewire),Rode k2,2 shure sm57's,,Ibanez universe 777,2 Johnson millinium250 heads,Johnson j12 and j8 controllers,Carvin legacy cabbinet,Marshall 1960 cabbinet :headbang:
Name: Josh Middleton

Age: 21

Location: Reading, England

Own Band: Sylosis (www.myspace.com/sylosis)

Occupation: Guitar Teacher / Producer (just about) / Bum

Music Tastes: Pantera, Metallica, Testament, Death, Sepultura, Dimmu Borgir, At The Gates, Soilwork, Obituary, Morbid Angel, Symphony X

Gear: Guitar wise:
ESP endorsee
M-II rosewood - EMG 81 + 85
M-II maple - EMG 81 + 89
LTD EC1000 - EMG 81 + 60
Caparison Dellinger - EMG 81 + SA + SA

Peavey Triple XXX + XXX 4x12
Maxon OD808

Macbook pro
Cubase 4
MOTU 8 mic pre
loadsa mics

Fave Producer: Andy Sneap, Colin Richardson and Devin Townsend

Fave Albums:
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Metallica - ...And Justice For All
Death - Symbolic
Sepultura - Arise
At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
Killswitch Engage - Alive Or Just Breathing
Name: Juha
Location: North Finland
Age: 23
Own Band: Vortech (Progressive Industrial Metal), Relativity (Grindcore), Coldway (Death Metal)
Occupation: Bacher of Engineering, Technology studies.
Musical Tastes: Metal, avantgarde, industrial, dark/ambient, darkwave, 60's pop, 70's rock jazz, blues, classical, hard rock, etc
Favorite Band: A toss-up between Arcturus, Emperor, Fear Factory, Front Line Assembly and Devin's solo/SYL
Favorite Album: Fear Factory - Demanufacture
Favorite Producer: No preference
Production Experience: Recording own stuff since 2000 in my "home studio" and doing some tracking/mixing for a few friends, plus composing ambient soundtracks for a few productions
Goal: To have a full fledged home studio
Production Gear: Schecter 007 Blackjack, Jackson DX7, Engl Powerball, Engl 2x12" Vintage, Epiphone PR100 Natural, Yamaha PSR-160 :lol:, Shure SM57, Behringer MX602A mixer, Intel Core 2 Duo E6400, 2 GB PQI DDR2-800 MHz, 720 GB (200 + 200 GB Seagate Barracuda 7200.7, 320 GB WD Caviar SE), M-Audio Audiophile 2496, Behringer Truth B2030A, Millennium mic stand ( :Smug: ), Danelectro CoolCat Chorus, Dunlop Crybaby, Behringer EQ700
Softwares: Cubase SX 3 + loads of VSTi's, Propellerheads Reason 3.0, Sony Sound Forge 8.0, Fruity Loops XXL 7.0, Waves Platinum Bundle, Drumagog, and a big bunch of VST/DX plugins
Name: Todd Forkin
Location: NY, Philadelphia
Band: Starkweather (http://www.holyterror.com/starkweather)
Occupation: Physician Assistant/ Glazer
Favorite Bands: Gorguts, Hate Eternal, Fear of God, Human Remains, Pre 'Domination' Morbid Angel, old punk rock and hardcore, Springsteen, The Who, Fusion, Modern Classical.
Favorite Album:Gorguts-Obscura
Favorite Producers: Mr. Sneap, Colin Richardson, Daniel Bergstrand, Pierre Remillard, Flood,
Gear: Ibanez Universe UV7-BK, ESP M207, ESP Mirage Custom, ESP MII Deluxe, Boogie .50 Caliber, Boogie Rectifier Cab, 5150 Combo, Rocktron Replifex, BBE Sonic Maximizer, Fostex VF 80 digital 8 track, Shure SM 57