whose gonna be at the Seattle show!?

Yeah me and 4 friends are driving from Vancouver to see the show, it should be a blast. I'll be the wild jove in the moshpit with a shaved head
winter-frost said:
damn thats a long drive, I iwll be coming from Yakima!!! wooooo

Yep, It's a long drive, but nothing beats a metal roadtrip with some good friends!
I miss the road trips, since high school most of my friends don't even want to go to shows anymore and when they do it's only shows that are close.
Have a great time everyone! ...........cause if you don't *shakes fist*

Yay, I'm going to see 'em this May 10th in Houston. I'll be forced to endless chitchats about the weather (my mom and my aunt/uncle are driving me :| ) but Opeth is definetely worth it!

I'm going by my lonesome self too...no one wanted to come cause Opeth are the Devil's tool apparently... :err: