Whose Line Is It Anyway?- Richard Simmons

I had tears... I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! I used to watch that show all the time, but I that's the first time I've seen that skit.

The wife and I went with a Cali friend to see a taping of WLIIA, and it was this show. It was even raunchier live. We were all laughing for like 90 minutes straight (they cut a lot out to make one episode). Colin and Ryan were cracking up for a long time after that skit.

I can prove I was there. We sat right next to where Drew stands to open the show, and if you freeze the frame just as he opens up the episode, you can see us for a good 1/1000 of a second. Damn, but that'll leave me with only 14 minutes and 59 seconds of fame left.

Steve in Philly
One of my favorite shows - one of the few I'd sit down and watch with my dad. The British version was far superior, but the American one had its share of hilarious moments. (I love it when even the *cast* is in hysterics...)
One of my favorite shows - one of the few I'd sit down and watch with my dad. The British version was far superior, but the American one had its share of hilarious moments. (I love it when even the *cast* is in hysterics...)

I thought the U.S. version was different, but just as funny. Enjoyed both.
I've seen that episode before. That bit got a few smiles out of me, but not the guffaws some people here seem to have experienced.

This is possibly because I find Richard Simmons to be incredibly creepy.
The British version was far superior, but the American one had its share of hilarious moments.

The British humor was definitely more "cerebral" -- but I loved them both! I need to check and see if there are more DVDs out...I have Seasons 1/2 of the British version and Season 1 of the American version.

By the way, the outtakes in the American version with the network's "Standards" guy are hilarious! It's amazing all the stuff that *didn't* make it on screen!