Why a Mac is really the only option. Can your PC do this?

Children children! No one is going to say anything that hasn't been said before. This is pointless
use what works for you and shut up

no, Trep hit the nail on the head... Owen made an uninformed wisecrack and Trep had the exactly correct reaction... cheers Trep. and for the guy that mentioned PCs having a 2-button mouse first... well, Mac had a mouse AND a GUI first... so suck it, lol :lol:

and price is relative to service life... i paid twice as much for my laptop as my last girlfriend.... we had coffee at a Panera Bread restaurant a few days ago (a popular place to bring your lappy because it has free wifi) as we're still friends, and she's on her third since i bought mine... and i'm running the same main programs she does, excepting Pro Tools... i.e. the Microsoft Office Suite and the Adobe Creative Suite. so she ended up paying more than me in the end. this matches my own experiences with desktop PCs.

that out of the way, no... i'm not particularly fired up or bothered one way or another, it's just my own observation.. i use both, own both, and always have. i do prefer macs, quite heavily, and it's based on personal experience and not innuendo, trendiness, advertising, or anything other than that experience.

but i DON"T CARE what anyone else uses and like Ermin i'm dead sick of these threads/topics. can we not make a sticky notice that Mac vs PC threads are banned and will be deleted? they always play out the same... PC users pull the sticks out their asses to point them at Mac users and accuse them of having sticks up their asses... and Mac users act as though only a mac can do anything well, or without crashing... blah blah blah, ad infinitum.

they are tools... and like most tools the biggest factor to to their successful or unsuccessful use are the users themselves... If your PC or Mac has huge problems, and hardware issues related to defect or age are ruled out, then it's most likely that YOU are the problem, not the machine. If the Mac or Windows OS seems "awkward" or whatever, it's because you are used to using something else... not because of any intrinsic problem with the OS. everybody just get over themselves with that crap already... people always like what they are used to using and think that things they are unfamiliar with using are somehow inferior.

also it's not just "funny" when people defend what they use... it's human nature... and i see just as much of it on BOTH sides of this stupid debate.
Owen made an uninformed wisecrack and Trep had the exactly correct reaction...

Not true, I know some Macs do have more than one mouse button. I just chose to be the first one to make that crack, because its an old old old joke thats been going round for years circa the late 1990's.

"My mac can do anything your pc can do!"

"Can it right click?"

I found it an ironic response because I knew someone would look at it from a literal perspective when in fact I had just dug it up because I knew someone would get their panties wet about it when I really don't give a shit what side of the fence I'm on, I'm an asshole and I just find it amusing when someone gets all righteous on me without having the faintest idea where I'm coming from.

Also, in case I really need to point this out, the topic is phrased as a question quite similar to that of the original joke, so I'm paying homage to a shit joke in the hope that someone else would notice and find it amusing.
Haha, yeah dude, I never thought you actually weren't aware they couldn't right-click, I figured you were just being a dick by busting out that age-old classic argument for humor's sake, and seeing it utterly sail over the heads of the touchy ones definitely gave me a chuckle :D
well Owen, if you paint yourself red you can't be too surprised when someone points and says, "look a that red guy". you wanted to evoke a specific reaction, and you did. whooot!
riiight... yeah metaltastic... youse guys iz soo cleverz. what a crock of shite. you comment in these type of threads often, and youve seemed quite "touchy" on the subject many times. you''re no saint here. just as bad as everyone else.

it's why these types of threads should be done away with... they do fuck all to promote useful conversation and advancement of understanding of any topic at all... except the topic of how much of a smartass one can be.
well Owen, if you paint yourself red you can't be too surprised when someone points and says, "look a that red guy". you wanted to evoke a specific reaction, and you did. whooot!

Well yeah, I expected the reaction I got, I just assumed someone as astute as yourself would notice that I was yankin' your chain and not actually that ill-informed, you may now go on to protest your innocence and comment upon other times I may have been ill-informed if you wish, its ok, it's an honest mistake to assume I'm a halfwit :lol:

Oh, and thats "Saint Owen Of Smartassery" thank you very much ;)
Öwen;8375188 said:
Not true, I know some Macs do have more than one mouse button. I just chose to be the first one to make that crack, because its an old old old joke thats been going round for years circa the late 1990's.

"My mac can do anything your pc can do!"

"Can it right click?"

I found it an ironic response because I knew someone would look at it from a literal perspective when in fact I had just dug it up because I knew someone would get their panties wet about it when I really don't give a shit what side of the fence I'm on, I'm an asshole and I just find it amusing when someone gets all righteous on me without having the faintest idea where I'm coming from.

Also, in case I really need to point this out, the topic is phrased as a question quite similar to that of the original joke, so I'm paying homage to a shit joke in the hope that someone else would notice and find it amusing.

Give the little baby his bottle.

Jobbs Murphy is on the case again...
cool clip, but i dont want a mac that can fly away from me, but now i´m curious what my G5 desktop at work has secrets to offer ;)

i like both, mac and pc...i really dont care about it as long as the programms i need are working and not crashing every 10minutes :)
private, i always use pc´s, mainly because they are cheaper.
but at work, i use since about 10 years apple macs only, because its kinda standard in the graphic industry.
Öwen;8375232 said:
Well yeah, I expected the reaction I got, I just assumed someone as astute as yourself would notice that I was yankin' your chain and not actually that ill-informed, you may now go on to protest your innocence and comment upon other times I may have been ill-informed if you wish, its ok, it's an honest mistake to assume I'm a halfwit :lol:

Oh, and thats "Saint Owen Of Smartassery" thank you very much ;)
no, i just wasn't sure one way or the other whether or not you were joking... i figured it was 50/50 chance... but i didn't care.... to not respond to it with the truth would have left anyone who didn't know anything about macs, but who was perhaps a bit interested, to read that and just accept it as truth and never look into it further. i figured someone as astute as yourself would have gathered that this was my point, and not that i was simply a dullard to whom the "joke" had flown over his head. You may now go on to comment on other times i may have been dim-witted if you wish... it's ok to make that mistake about me... i use it to my advantage ;)
go take a shower ya bazdid :lol:

Baztid is spelled Bastard.

I know you were maybe joking... but there is/was a 50/50 chance, and we have a lot of foreigners on the board who are maybe not experienced with the English language... but are interested, then i thought it safer to correct... Just to be sure :)
except the topic of how much of a smartass one can be.

I concede Mr James,

One is quite a good smartass, but one must admit that one is not quite at the same level as thouself.

It is quite relieving for one to note that thou were only clarifying the crystal clear reality of the situation for the lesser mortals. :cool:
Baztid is spelled Bastard.

I know you were maybe joking... but there is/was a 50/50 chance, and we have a lot of foreigners on the board who are maybe not experienced with the English language... but are interested, then i thought it safer to correct... Just to be sure :)
ok... i'll be sure to spell this next one exactly correctly then...

... after that shower, you might think about brushing your teeth and putting on some clean socks. You know.. there may be some Fins you've met in Vaasa that may not be experienced meeting Scottish folk... but are interested in visiting ... so I think it safest that you bathe more often... just to be a sure you don't put them off the idea. ;) :lol: