Why am I getting so many popups with Firefox?

So, does anyone actually use the internet without some sort of advertisement disabling program? I've been running Adblock Plus for... I don't know, many years. I don't see ads. Period. And it is glorious. The only time they creep in is when I am foolish enough to be away from home and surfing said internet on my phone instead of enjoying whatever life is in front of me amongst the outside world at the time, and I see just how terrifyingly bloated the WWW has become with corporate propaganda. Disgusting really, I don't know why everyone isn't constantly vomiting in terror at the utter ridiculousness of it all. Myself included of course, although (usually) at that point I put the fucking phone down and start living IRL once again, before I loosen whatever might be lodged within my bowels and gullet at the time, merely in sheer terror of this horrible incarnation of modernity. Yet I digress...

So, just recently Facebutt began some sort of thing called TRENDING so I have to deal with whatever bullshit is popular at the time (I don't like popularity contests because they rank things from 1 to 10 and I care 0 about all of them combined). Granted, I don't spend a lot of time on said Facebutt, but that little sneak into my life has annoyed me for a few weeks. YET NO LONGER! Put this in your ABPipe and smoke it, lo and behold, "trending" disappears:
hehe firefox 0.8

thats cute

what is it now, 27.0 or some stupid shit like that?
what is it now, 27.0 or some stupid shit like that?


Small updates are thrown on full version numbers now to make it appear as if they are moving at an accelerated pace. Same concept for Chrome and even IE now.

Small updates are thrown on full version numbers now to make it appear as if they are moving at an accelerated pace. Same concept for Chrome and even IE now.

i know the reasoning and it is stupid as hell

not that a number matters much, but it's still stupid as hell
The reasoning doesn't even make much sense to be honest, as Firefox and Chrome don't display their numbers prominently to begin with. The average user would have no idea what version of IE they have, let alone FF or Chrome.

Re: Trending. I never even noticed that addition to FB.
they almost omitted version numbers from firefox entirely

like, there was a serious proposal (that ultimately got shot down) that not even the about dialog should show the version number

the reasoning being some stupid bullshit like "lol but it doesnt matter because everyone always has the latest version anyway what with auto-update and blah blah blah"
So wtf, I made two or three posts over the last few days and they have disappeared. My profile says last post was on Feb 1st, when I just bumped the "wiping whilst standing" thread yesterday.