Why are harmonies to the left?

Now that I think of it, I think that research says that people generally pick up higher pitches with their left ears and lower pitches with their right ears. That might be what I was thinking of at first, or maybe they're both true, who knows. I don't think it matters either way, though I do generally put higher parts L in my own mixes.
Now that I think of it, I think that research says that people generally pick up higher pitches with their left ears and lower pitches with their right ears. That might be what I was thinking of at first, or maybe they're both true, who knows. I don't think it matters either way, though I do generally put higher parts L in my own mixes.

I perceive the opposite, when I pan a single guitar to the left, it sounds tigher, smoother, darker and has more bass. The right side however, lacking bass, a little muddy, slightly harsh in the highs. FWIW, the difference is subtle but large enough so that I can clearly hear a difference, and my monitors aren't fucked and I have no hearing damage (on my monitors, I can hear a sine wave all the way up to 22KHz, may be my monitors going out first or my ears, that I have yet to test).