Why do I keep missing The O.C.!!


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
Alright guys, I do watch the O.C. and quite often but the past two weeks have been hectic, and I keep missing the damm program. Someone please fill me in what the fuck has been going on! haha


I dont have cabel! You know what that site sucked I would have to post 50 messages in their forum to gain access to their download page, fuck that I just use Azureus, a free downloading program similar to SuperNova.
hahah. Azureus is a BitTorrent client and SuprNova is a sort of torrent network search engine. It's really great.. I use it for Stargate Atlantis because we don't have that airing here yet :D

I'm not a big fan of these new-wave soap opera/teen angst shows. Sure they have awesome chicks... but then again so does the 'greatest ass in the world' thread :).
Moonlapse said:
You need to watch gr1m dramas like Law & Order - SVU or Six Feet Under, or CSI, or whatever endless spinoff may come after.
Law and Order : SVU = Only thing worth watching on TV...and mebbie South Park.

John; OC makes baby jesus cry.
Fall_of_Empyrean said:
Man, John ... watching the OC is pretty gay. If you're going to watch a girl show, watch Desperate Housewives, which I watch religiously.

As an ex-OC watcher, and a newly turned Desperate Housewive fan. I wholehearted agree with this statement. So much in fact, that I thought it was worth posting about as to my usual lurking. The OC's level of humor isn't on par with the Housewives, and this season of the OC seems very forced - I don't think they can improve much more than the first season. Also, there are quite a few attractive women on housewives... some are even semi-young! If it is possible for television to be intelligent, I would tell you that Desperate Housewives is quite the intelligent TV show. At least give it a try.

Yeah, well most people that hate intelligent, witty, and genious shows like "Sex and the City" (and it is sex AND the city btw) are usually lacking a certain percentage of brain activity, but hey, no one is perfect bear...(and John only hates Sex and the City cause I have made him watch it so many times).

John always wants to watch the damn OC, and I really fucking hate that show. It has no sophisticated edge, and NO clever humor...we all have different tastes, but I am with all on here regarding Desperate Housewives...fucking awesome show!!!
christcrusher said:
Yeah, well most people that hate intelligent, witty, and genious shows like "Sex and the City" (and it is sex AND the city btw) are usually lacking a certain percentage of brain activity, but hey, no one is perfect bear...(and John only hates Sex and the City cause I have made him watch it so many times).

John always wants to watch the damn OC, and I really fucking hate that show. It has no sophisticated edge, and NO clever humor...we all have different tastes, but I am with all on here regarding Desperate Housewives...fucking awesome show!!!
My girlfriend really likes Sex and the City, and as a result, I now like it, because she spends so much time watching it. She has the whole series on DVD, so I'm positive I've seen every episode. It's a pretty funny and entertaining show, but the "personas" of the girls seem forced sometimes, and Carrie tries way too fucking hard to fit in a pun or play-on-words every 5 minutes.