why do men always leave the toilet seat up?

ok, i would say in men-versus-women stuff i come down on the side of women 90% of the time, but the whole toilet-seat debate is an example of total gender retardation on the females' part. the toilet seat should be left how the last person who used it wants to leave it, and neither women should sit down without looking nor men should pee without lifting the seat. THERE IS NO DEBATE NECESSARY DAMMIT.
I just put the entire seat/lid assembly down most of the time. That way, everyone has to do some work before they go, which makes it more fair. And, let's face it, who enjoys looking at a large, open toilet bowl anyway?
i could care less how the toilet seat is. what kind of person doesn't LOOK at the toilet seat before they sit down to check it? (i did this once and fell in as a kid, learned my lesson) also, what lazy assholes can flip the fucker down? seeesh.
my ex-gf beat the toilet down shit into me and i've done it ever since.

what's ironic is that i habitually close the entire toilet seat down due to the tendency for the cat who lives here to jump into it when he was a kitten. over the weekend my friend used the facilities and she left the seat UP. :Smokin:
I love peeing at other people's houses and leaving my pubes on their toilet seat.

they don't have to like touch them..as long as I know they'll see my pubes, I'm a happy camper.