why do people get so pissed on the net?


Zerg Rush into Mordor
May 5, 2006
i just want to know why people get so pissed over stupid shit when it is over the net. :zombie:
but its just so random at times. i have had people threaten to kick my ass and stuff. so then you HAVE to push their buttons
hmm yeah i know what you mean . ppl are often pissed off on forums and net in general , but not me .. im to lazy to argue :D
im usually too tired to laugh at their stupidity....i mean come on "im goning kick your ass" what the crap? is that suppose to scare me?
Biatch said:
hmm yeah i know what you mean . ppl are often pissed off on forums and net in general , but not me .. im to lazy to argue :D
yeah, me too:p
If I really have to argue, it's like:
Me: Fuck you!
Person: wtf? you stupid brat! *blah blah* yo mama.. *bla bla*
Me: ok whatever!
Muffin said:
Its fun to argue!
to a point yes. especially if you have some freak that gives you death threats and truley has no idea what the hell they are talking about. then it is funny.
:lol: I dunno what weirdos you've been arguing with or been threatened by, but I think I've got quite some experience in this case. It's been this weird japanese-canadian girl, stalking me over at deviantart and other sites aswell. She must have some kind of problem ^^; Spamming porno all over my pages and gets herself banned over and over. I mean, how normal is that? She've threatened to do all sorts of things, but it's no way for people to kill over the net.
So, just sit back and laugh at their stupidity.
Depends....if some people....like War_Blade, or Joonas are acting gay and retarded, I feel I'ts my duty to point out to these fags that they are not only wasting valuable webspace, but also 2 secs of my time for reading what they have to say. I don't think it's normal that some random bass player from australia (or is that 2 different ppl, still can't quite figure that out) threated to cut me. That's just plain dumb.

But yeah it's always fun to make people pissed, especially when u own them with these complete random images u found on the net.
he just screams fag. the more he talks too, the more i think he is queer. this is a fact joonas is gay
~blondie~ said:
he just screams fag. the more he talks too, the more i think he is queer. this is a fact joonas is gay
Lithium said:
Depends....if some people....like War_Blade, or Joonas are acting gay and retarded, I feel I'ts my duty to point out to these fags that they are not only wasting valuable webspace, but also 2 secs of my time for reading what they have to say. I don't think it's normal that some random bass player from australia (or is that 2 different ppl, still can't quite figure that out) threated to cut me. That's just plain dumb.

But yeah it's always fun to make people pissed, especially when u own them with these complete random images u found on the net.

Lithium said:
Depends....if some people....like War_Blade, or Joonas are acting gay and retarded, I feel I'ts my duty to point out to these fags that they are not only wasting valuable webspace, but also 2 secs of my time for reading what they have to say. I don't think it's normal that some random bass player from australia (or is that 2 different ppl, still can't quite figure that out) threated to cut me. That's just plain dumb.

But yeah it's always fun to make people pissed, especially when u own them with these complete random images u found on the net.

you do realize that i am not from Australia and i just enjoy to flame you cause some body have to ... :p