Why does Nuendo...


¯\(°_o)/¯ - How do?
Dec 3, 2007
Petoskey, Michigan
hate WAV's exported from other programs.

I once exported some wav's from audacity and when I brought them into Nuendo, it would play for 4 seconds, then cut out all audio and just act crazy. I re-exported them again and it was fine. I have sessions for a band I'm recording and they tracked the drums in pro tools m-powered and we exported them to separate wav files.

When I brought them into Nuendo everything was fine, until we had everything else recorded and mixed ready to do, exported a final mix. Came back to change something, loaded session.. fatal exception, press OK to close or cancel to suppress these warnings.


I suppose the question to ask is: is it legit?

Cracks have a way of causing various program hiccups... hiccups like your own, which I've never experienced myself, nor am aware of anyone else who has. First order of the day would be to reinstall the application on a clean format.
Dude, go to GC and tell them you want the competitive upgrade....they don't ask for your old host discs or anything - why the fuck would Steinberg want a shit-ton of discs they can't do anything with? They will most likely have to drop-ship it to you but it will be at the competitive upgrade price, which should be $199 for Studio 4 or Studio 5.
