Why don't you Compress Over Heads? Or do You???

Contra Studio

Jul 13, 2011
Hell Paso
So most talk I hear about OH Comp is a no no or just a little. Well..... I was jamming to Mastodon new album and was listening to how on one of the tracks (I don't remember which) the OH sounded super crushed and you know what..... I like it. It sounds smooth and not harsh. So I said hey WTH I just bought myself a API 2500 Comp and Im going to Crush some OH that Im working on. I was pleased on how they sounded solo and in the mix of the kit. Ive provided some samples with OH solo comp and with out, and in the Kit mix with Comp and with out.

(When I say Kit with or with out Comp I mean, OH that are compressed. Not the whole Kit in its self.)

Over Heads with no Comp

Over Heads with Comp

Kit with no Comp

Kit with Comp

I just want to hear what you guys have to say or maybe your approach to this, again I know theres no wrong or right way, just what sounds best...

I compress overheads enough for them to be consistent and even in attack and sustain, but not so much that the drums start to come up. I mean they're a fairly consistent sound source anyway, really, if engineered properly, so you're only looking to level everything out. If you're looking for isolation from bleed though, the less compression the less drum you'll have in your overheads.
The only thing I'm trying to achieve here is getting the OH to have that affect. I totally dig them with comp. which Fatso are you using? I've been checking that unit out but I hear its great on the master or buss. Never though if it on OH, can you provide some samples?
Do a Sturgis.....l1 limiter, -3db deduction, then throw dominion on with 100% max sustain.
I say you guys post some samples so we can listen to them too! Since I got the API2500 I've really dig the sound it has. Maybe ill run it on a snare aux later.
Always compressing the OHs. Sometimes I even sidechain a click track to the OHs to get a musical compression going on on parts of a song. If done right you can get great results!
I do use a little comp and limiting on my overheads/cymbals.
Although, on your clips compressing them that much messed with the stereo image. If you listen to your overhead solo no comp track, you can hear right away that your hi hat is mainly to the left, where on your compressed track, the right side is a lot louder now, resulting in a more narrow, less defined stereo image.

Or maybe something was just off with routing to the comp? Does it do that when you just run the track through the api on bypass?
I do use a little comp and limiting on my overheads/cymbals.
Although, on your clips compressing them that much messed with the stereo image. If you listen to your overhead solo no comp track, you can hear right away that your hi hat is mainly to the left, where on your compressed track, the right side is a lot louder now, resulting in a more narrow, less defined stereo image.

Or maybe something was just off with routing to the comp? Does it do that when you just run the track through the api on bypass?

Sounds good here
I do use a little comp and limiting on my overheads/cymbals.
Although, on your clips compressing them that much messed with the stereo image. If you listen to your overhead solo no comp track, you can hear right away that your hi hat is mainly to the left, where on your compressed track, the right side is a lot louder now, resulting in a more narrow, less defined stereo image.

Dual-mono compression is your friend here