Why everyone hates Monday Morning Apocalypse?


Ghost In The Ruins
Apr 17, 2007
I mean I know that it's pretty much less complex and more melodic then other albums but still it's really great. Espesially the song "Still in The Water" is truly amazing.
People tend to like it less because Evergrey took a very different direction with it. Most people see it as a downgrade of everything that makes Evergrey unique.
Personally, I love the album, probably as much or almost as much as any other album they made, but I am happy they didn't continue with this direction. It's interesting to see a new direction with one album, but Evergrey needs to stay Evergrey. :)
I like it too... I think the more straightforward approach worked well with the songs... They're catchy, still have emotion, and are easily digestible. I'm probably one of the few who really isn't a huge fan of their oldest material.
I love MMA! For me, it's a great album to sing along to. The songs are catchy, the lyrics meaningful and some of the riffs are amazing in their simplicity. Granted the song structures are quite typical and the more proggy elements minimal, but to me that doesn't make it a bad album.
As a good thing though, I've found MMA very accessable for new fans to get into, get used to the style, before unleashing Recreation Day upon them :D
As they say, "hate" is such a strong word. It is definately my least favorite, yet it is not awful. There are even a couple of notable songs on it; however, most of the songs seemed to all sound so much alike. The other thing that irked me about it was that they were obviously trying to bring in a whole new crowd of fans by bringing in a "big time" producer.
I disagree. I think they just wanted to see who it would be if they would take a big producer and would simplify their music a bit. I think it's actually a great thing that bands take new directions once every few albums. It makes their music a lot more interesting, and also, if all the albums would be the exact same style it could get boring. By doing MMA as they did, it makes Torn a lot more unique, it makes their old stuff more unique, and also it gives us a great album by itself. Also, more than anything, they stayed true to themselves by following their hearts and doing what they really wanted to do, and if a band doesn't do that, it just loses it's identity.
So overall, it's great that they chose to do a different album, and also great that they decided not to continue on that path.
Ok so it seems that not so many as I thought Evergrey fans hate MMA ;).
I agree that MMA wasn't the best direction for this band and that TORN is amazing and better. It was very nice for them to bring back the old sound and I hope that they will keep it for their next records. Though I wouldn't be very disapointed if they will after few albums once again try something new, Of course the best option for me would be something more experimental and progressive. Oh and BTW Is it only me or Tom's vocals are getting better and better from record to record? On TORN hes sounds absolutely amazing!!
At first i dids not like mma very much... but it has really grown on me... songs like closure, til Dagmar, i should and lost... its truly fucking awesome! cant wait to hear Torn... i think it was a nescassary thing to do... i love EG no matter what!
I have nothing constructive to add, but to say that I agree with just about everything that's been said.

However, I do find myself listening to The Inner Circle more than any other album from Evergrey. (edit: haven't listened to Torn yet!)

I had a chance to talk a bit with Svante from Chartmakers about the mastering of MMA, and he commented how the band/producers wanted it to sound dark. A very different approach from anyone else at the time.
Would have been interesting to hear the unmastered versions, but as it were, our schedule was tight...
In my opinion MMA have a great sound, guitars kick ass and there are great songs. In remembrance, obedience or still in the water are very good songs. Long life to MMA! :headbang:
The reason I love Evergrey more than any other band is because of many factors. 1st and foremost, the music is heavy and the songwriting is usually about dark subject matter. I love Tom's vocals. I also enjoy Evergey's "guitar heavy" sound along with their backing keyboards. I also tend to enjoy the more progressive side of their music as well.

MMA compared to all other Evergrey albums was the weakest in all of the above factors. The album overall sounds the closest to making a more mainstream appeal than any other Evergrey album, with songs especially like "Lost" with the super catchy and commercial sounding chorus, "inside out - going outside in". MMA is almost completely void of any real progressive elements, not to mention keyboards are hardly audible throughout most of the album, except for the ballads of course.

Don't get me wrong, I love singing along with MMA and I love some of the songs on that album, "Obedience", and "In Remembrance" quickly come to mind.

I give Evegrey credit for trying something different, and I would love to see them attain mainstream success if that's what they're looking for, but MMA stepped outside the Evergrey formula that most die hard Evergrey fans were comfortable with.

For me, Evergrey could record themselves sitting around a mic farting and I would probably love it because it's Evergrey and I'm a true Evergrey fan. But compared to some of the truly great Evergrey albums such as In Search of Truth, Recreation Day and The Inner Circle, MMA has difficulty competing.

I don't hate any Evergrey album, but there are certain albums that I personally enjoy more than others.
I totally agree with TheAnonymous..
People just don't like it as they like the other albums
'cause it's a little different from what we call Evergrey...
They just took another way for a while, and I think that's good for
a band to keep working...
Well, I can't say too much 'cause I just LOVE every single piece
of work that comes from those guys, so... hehehe
I think it's supposed to be "Why DOES everyone hate Monday Morning Apocalypse?" or maybe it's written in the form of a statement, allowing people that don't like it to post their reasons in this thread.
Doesn't really matter, I think the content of the thread is along the correct lines for what was intended.