Evergrey- Monday Morning Apocalypse (review/spoilers inside)

And about the bilateral moderation thing, I didn't realize that we were all under the age of 16 here. If you're trying to point out my terribly coarse language and that I'm one of the people that supports the band's latest outings you need to get something straight. Dragonwhatever is a consistent potty mouth and since my post was geared towards him you might be able to draw the connection. Plus I'm so full of good insults I can't help but use them when the opportunity presents itself.

Delete these posts, see if I care. You're still the loser in this argument :)
okay okay, the keyboards need to be pushed up PLEASE. I know this is a shitty leaked version but when I get the cd in the mail, the mastering better be better with these keyboards
Wah, fucking wah.

Knock yourselves out, folks; I wash my hands of trying to keep the discussion civil. You wanna make yourselves look like asses? Go right ahead. Even bad reviews are good publicity.

edit: changed my mind.
Knock yourselves out, folks; I wash my hands of trying to keep the discussion civil. You wanna make yourselves look like asses? Go right ahead. Even bad reviews are good publicity.
To address a few comments made on this board that i can't be bothered going through and quoting:

Evergrey selling out - A few people have mentioned that EG are selling out on this record, if they were selling out and trying to make big bucks with this record, why the hell would they let you cunts let the world know that this album has been leaked? Why would they let people spoil the album on this board and let you all talk about how shit the album is? Doesn't sound like selling out to me.

Constructive Criticism - Criticism is very important, it is important for a band to know what skills they need to work on, but when a band gets to the technical ability and level of musicianship that EG has achieved your criticism is worth nothing. I believe it is important for a band to satisfy their fans to at least a small extent on each release, but first and foremost they must satisfy themselves, if the fans like it then thats good, if they don't well then im sure the band will still be happy with what they have created.

MMA First Spin Impression - Let me get this out of the way. Yes i do own EVERY EG album incl the live cd/dvd so i am not just talking out of my butt. I do not consider EG to be one of my favourite bands but they are good enough for me to want to spend some cash on them, so don't throw this 'you Fanboy ass kisser' bullshit at me. SDT DID NOT grab me on first listen, the song Solitude Within did grab me straight away but at the time i thought the rest of the album was shit, i thought the overall feel of the album was cheesy and very non-convincing and the guitar tone really got to me and i thought the solo's were very lame, but now that i have had the album for over a year it is my favourite EG album, it was a 'growing' album for me.

I do believe in band growth and that sometimes they should take a chance to try the unexpected, it keeps the band exciting. ISOT and SDT are very different sounding albums as far as the riffs go, i would not have expected an album like ISOT after hearing SDT, but it was a welcomed change.
I only find the second half of TIC to be boring, i love the first half of it though. A Touch Of Blessing and Ambassador are great tunes and Harmless Wishes and More Than Ever are two of my favourite EG tunes. Upon first listen of MMA i was not impressed in the slightest, i thought this was the end of my journey with Evergrey, but i listened to it the full way through, then i did again, and again, and many more times after that. It is a lot more accesible and i was dissapointed in the lack of Prog elements on this album at first, but after multiple listens i have been album to focus on all the good points of the songs, almost every song is very strong and has some very powerful musical and lyrical moments, i am actually starting to favour this album over many other EG albums. If you don't like this album then good, thats fine to each his own, but some of you guys are coming up with some pretty lame reasons as to why this album is bad, listen to it again and dont be so unwilling to appreciate it.

Iced Earth - I love Iced Earth, but The Glorious Burden was a really really bad album IMO anyway that you look at it. John's song writing for this album absolutely sucked, and Ripper IS NOT a worthy replacement for Barlow. Ripper sounds false, the emotion in his voice is so fucking unconvincing, just listen to 'Eagle Cries' he sounds horrible, Ripper can not make me feel any emotion like Barlow could except for loathing of that stupid Halford want to be. Horror Show IMO is if not the best then one of the best IE albums and i think Barlows performance on this album is more than brilliant and to me he sound like he is pouring his heart and soul into his singing.
The Sound Clips sound very different, and the vocals lack a little, but not bad after a few listens.

One thing I'd like to point out is, Evergrey should have the right to explore other musical ideas and to me, Even if this album was indeed *cr0p* it would still be exploring new music ideas. The one thing about the last album "the inner Circle" I had a problem with was that it sounded like the album before that. Getting stuck in a musical rut to me is even more worse than releasing some very odd stuff you can't relate too. To me Different is good. Atleast give Tom the credit where credit is due.

Think about the band Rush. They did everything from 2112, to Moving Picture, to Hold Your Fire. Very different albums, but all very good and interesting.

Evergrey is getting out of the box, so either take that box to another band or follow them. If you want heavy music, maybe your looking at the wrong band anyways.

Anyways, thanks for the freedom to say what we feel, even tho sometimes its negative. The only thing I wonder is, what Tom thinks of the reaction to the new albums sound clips.
Empty Vision said:
To address a few comments made on this board that i can't be bothered going through and quoting:

Evergrey selling out - A few people have mentioned that EG are selling out on this record, if they were selling out and trying to make big bucks with this record, why the hell would they let you cunts let the world know that this album has been leaked? Why would they let people spoil the album on this board and let you all talk about how shit the album is? Doesn't sound like selling out to me.

Constructive Criticism - Criticism is very important, it is important for a band to know what skills they need to work on, but when a band gets to the technical ability and level of musicianship that EG has achieved your criticism is worth nothing. I believe it is important for a band to satisfy their fans to at least a small extent on each release, but first and foremost they must satisfy themselves, if the fans like it then thats good, if they don't well then im sure the band will still be happy with what they have created.

MMA First Spin Impression - Let me get this out of the way. Yes i do own EVERY EG album incl the live cd/dvd so i am not just talking out of my butt. I do not consider EG to be one of my favourite bands but they are good enough for me to want to spend some cash on them, so don't throw this 'you Fanboy ass kisser' bullshit at me.

I agree up to here.....

Empty Vision said:
DID NOT grab me on first listen, the song Solitude Within did grab me straight away but at the time i thought the rest of the album was shit, i thought the overall feel of the album was cheesy and very non-convincing and the guitar tone really got to me and i thought the solo's were very lame, but now that i have had the album for over a year it is my favourite EG album, it was a 'growing' album for me.

Same thing Happened to me with Nevermore-Dead Heart in a dead World. Now I Dig about every song on that album. I bet the same is true with Evergreys new album.

Empty Vision said:
do believe in band growth and that sometimes they should take a chance to try the unexpected, it keeps the band exciting. ISOT and SDT are very different sounding albums as far as the riffs go, i would not have expected an album like ISOT after hearing SDT, but it was a welcomed change.
Very True!

Empty Vision said:
I only find the second half of TIC to be boring, i love the first half of it though. A Touch Of Blessing and Ambassador are great tunes and Harmless Wishes and More Than Ever are two of my favourite EG tunes.

Empty Vision said:
first listen of MMA i was not impressed in the slightest, i thought this was the end of my journey with Evergrey, but i listened to it the full way through, then i did again, and again, and many more times after that. It is a lot more accesible and i was dissapointed in the lack of Prog elements on this album at first, but after multiple listens i have been album to focus on all the good points of the songs, almost every song is very strong and has some very powerful musical and lyrical moments, i am actually starting to favour this album over many other EG albums.

Empty Vision said:
you don't like this album then good, thats fine to each his own, but some of you guys are coming up with some pretty lame reasons as to why this album is bad, listen to it again and dont be so unwilling to appreciate it.

Empty Vision said:
Earth - I love Iced Earth, but The Glorious Burden was a really really bad album IMO anyway that you look at it. John's song writing for this album absolutely sucked, and Ripper IS NOT a worthy replacement for Barlow. Ripper sounds false, the emotion in his voice is so fucking unconvincing, just listen to 'Eagle Cries' he sounds horrible, Ripper can not make me feel any emotion like Barlow could except for loathing of that stupid Halford want to be. Horror Show IMO is if not the best then one of the best IE albums and i think Barlows performance on this album is more than brilliant and to me he sound like he is pouring his heart and soul into his singing.
I was really liking this post til I read this....
Anyways, That Album to me is much the same issue as this Evergrey album. How about you look at that album more like you looked at evergreys newest album. New Vocals sound very different, like judas Priest. If you like those type of vocals then the album would probably work better for you.
Thought I'd adress my feelings on this topic:

DragonOfBlood- I respect your opinion, and you shouldn't have to be forced to like something that you feel is mediocre. If you feel that this particular album is not pleasing to your ears then fine, it's your opinion.

That goes for everyone who shares the same thoughts.


It's totally fine to not enjoy this album, but if you're going to bitch about how Evergrey has "sold out" or "gone commercial", then you should not be listening to progressive music. It's that simple. Just throw away every prog album you own and delete every prog song on your computer. No, you're not supposed to like every album that is put out by a progressive band, but you should ACCEPT the fact that "prog" is not just technical wizardry. The whole POINT of progressive music is to NOT regress or be consistant. Everygrey are trying new things, it's what makes them prog. END OF DISCUSSION. Do not say that Evergrey have lost their "progressive edge" or whatever, because nostalgia-fests are not the goals for prog bands. Look at Kings X. They're prog, but have a very grungy sound.

I personally LOVE this album along with the rest of Evergrey's catalogue. This change is pretty significant, but it's still Evergrey with a more polished sound.
it's not a bad album, but its not up to the standards of what an evergrey album should be. it's got good solos, but thats not enought to save it. It's like they tried to make a moke catchy/radio friendly album, but inner circle was way more memorable. The production/mixing is very bad compared to their other cd's. You can't hear the keys for shit, the drums are decent, but the kicks don't strike me as fitting. The guitar tone is muddy and very loud in the mix, the riffs aren't as exciting as the previous albums.

I think this album was doomed since they announced who was going to produce it. Evergrey is not a pop group and they need people who know prog metal.
devilmanozzy said:
Think about the band Rush. They did everything from 2112, to Moving Picture, to Hold Your Fire. Very different albums, but all very good and interesting.

I never thought I'd see a reference to Rush on an Evergrey forum. That's freaking great (and true), though. Power Windows kicked ass.
KeithRT99 said:
it's not a bad album, but its not up to the standards of what an evergrey album should be.

You have no right to say "what an evergrey album should be".

The band does... nobody else.
That's like saying we don't have a right to say Metallica, Load and Reload and St. Anger aren't what Metallica albums should be.

In other words, ridiculous. It's our money we pump into these bands so you're damn right fans have a right to say what an album should be.
DragonOfBlood said:
That's like saying we don't have a right to say Metallica, Load and Reload and St. Anger aren't what Metallica albums should be.

In other words, ridiculous. It's our money we pump into these bands so you're damn right fans have a right to say what an album should be.

haha, it sounds like you're talking about Donkin Donouts. That's truly ridiculous, rofl
Donut's.....? Food reference's for EG......? I would say MMA is like low-carb beer. We'll call it "Satanic Lite.....All the evil and only half the darkness"
People, people, people. What is going on? I am reading this discussion and I'm feeling very sad.

First off, we're all on this board for one reason - we all like Evergrey. Some of us more than others, granted, but we all share a love of this band. Therefore, what's the point in turning this thread into a slanging match?

Secondly, I have not heard the album yet, but you are making me depressed - I love this band more than any other and I want to have an open mind and hopefully, enjoy the music, but it's getting harder! I am not a hypocrite - I have bought/received promo CDs before an official release date because I couldn't wait, but is all this talk about the album, on the band's own forum a little bit over the top?

Thirdly, have you considered the band's feelings in all of this? I know a band should make music that they are happy with themselves first and foremost, but I bet they read these threads because they do care what the fans think. Evergrey are the only band I know who meet and greet the fans after every show, so they do care. Fair enough if you don't like the album, but IMHO, the opinions are getting a bit near the mark.

For what it's worth, my favourite album is ISOT. However, I am realistic enough to know that Evergrey will never go back and make ISOT part II. I will listen to MMA and come to my own conclusion. If I don't like it, I will not start shouting "sell out" and I will definately not slag others off if they do like it.

C'mon guys, this is Evergrey! For me, without them, my life would be much more boring - it must be the same for some of you too?!

Diatribe over!
everpain said:
People, people, people. What is going on? I am reading this discussion and I'm feeling very sad.

First off, we're all on this board for one reason - we all like Evergrey. Some of us more than others, granted, but we all share a love of this band. Therefore, what's the point in turning this thread into a slanging match?

Secondly, I have not heard the album yet, but you are making me depressed - I love this band more than any other and I want to have an open mind and hopefully, enjoy the music, but it's getting harder! I am not a hypocrite - I have bought/received promo CDs before an official release date because I couldn't wait, but is all this talk about the album, on the band's own forum a little bit over the top?

Thirdly, have you considered the band's feelings in all of this? I know a band should make music that they are happy with themselves first and foremost, but I bet they read these threads because they do care what the fans think. Evergrey are the only band I know who meet and greet the fans after every show, so they do care. Fair enough if you don't like the album, but IMHO, the opinions are getting a bit near the mark.

For what it's worth, my favourite album is ISOT. However, I am realistic enough to know that Evergrey will never go back and make ISOT part II. I will listen to MMA and come to my own conclusion. If I don't like it, I will not start shouting "sell out" and I will definately not slag others off if they do like it.

C'mon guys, this is Evergrey! For me, without them, my life would be much more boring - it must be the same for some of you too?!

Diatribe over!

I'm sure Tom was exspecting some backlash from *oldschool* fans. But he said to be honest. Honesty hurts sometimes. Selling out is a lame term, because to be on a label like evergrey, they would be selling out, and for that matter everyone on a label is selling out.

Other than a few internet bands and your local bands, everyone is a sell out.
DragonOfBlood said:
That's like saying we don't have a right to say Metallica, Load and Reload and St. Anger aren't what Metallica albums should be.

In other words, ridiculous. It's our money we pump into these bands so you're damn right fans have a right to say what an album should be.

you know what's funny. ST anger could not have been a sell out album.....Those guys are already millionaires. So what really gets you thinking, how does a band suck so bad on accident? lol :erk:
Dragonofblood, Sknight: Both of you need to lay off the personal attacks, NOW. This is your last warning.

The rest of you who are getting involved need to knock it off, too. This includes you, Neon.